The Covid Conundrum: a Call to Repent    

A salutary episode in King David's life resonates today.

 Nathan challenges King David
David and NathanTHOUGH King David was a righteous ruler chosen by God, he wasn’t – as no one is  – perfect and upright in all his behaviour. He tried, as the Scriptures tell us, to conceal his illicit relationship with Bathsheba and arranged to have her husband killed in battle. But God would not let him off with it.

As we know from the story, God sent Nathan to the King with a parable of a rich man who abused his position at the cost of others. In responding to David’s anger towards the fictitious rich man, Nathan then came right back with the devastating words aimed back at the King: “You are that man!”  A similar dynamic played out last week..

IN LATE 2020 the stage was being set for the roll-out of the Covid injections. Given the ‘red alerts’ of political and medical coercion imposed by the fear-inducing messaging to which we were all being exposed, there was a bi-polar reaction to the question of whether or not to accept the novel and untried medical treatment. The contrary “Yes I will” and “No I won’t” responses caused huge division; right down to the level of families and life-long friendships and associations. The polarisation was as evident in the churches, Christian organisations and believers as it was everywhere else.1

Fatally flawed analyses

However, quite early on, ethically-upright doctors were finding that cheap pre-existing treatments were been seen to be highly effective in responding to the medical symptoms of an illness which, in truth, was causing no greater number of deaths than that seen in an annual flu season. (Indeed there is considerable debate as to whether there was any real virus.)
As a counter to the use of these medicines the Lancet, in high-profile fashion, dived in early with an article condemning these treatments.2
Soon after however, it was revealed that the ‘peer reviewed’ study was fatally flawed. The esteemed medical journal’s attempt to issue a low-profile retraction3 was thwarted by at least one newspaper which deemed the Lancet’s reversal as “one of the biggest retractions in modern history” of a study which could determine how people live or die tomorrow. To add to the confusion of the pre-rollout scene of November 2020, an article was published by a Christian ministry which suggested that the injections were a de facto ‘gift from God’.

However, and following a global uptake of the gene-therapy/DNA treatments, it became more and more evident that these were causing life-changing injuries and, as time has rolled on, the world is now witnessing a massive increase in all-cause mortality and sudden deaths from heart attacks, strokes and blood clots. As a result, there was and is, serious concern, robust debate and even division right across the whole domestic, societal, political and medical spectrum. Needless to say, the above-mentioned article contributed to the confusion. In this context Issachar Ministries issued this statement in late 2022.

Prophecy Today found itself on the sharp end of the call to repent

Very sadly, while honest doctors were having their reputations and licences being ferociously attacked by both their peers and their profession, the Christian Medical Fellowship declined successive invitations to comment while stressing its (general) support for vaccines.
Meanwhile, through to this Christmas season, the battle continues; with the British Medical Association and equivalent bodies around the world continuing to attack doctors who are speaking out against the Covid narrative. However, one Christian doctor, with ethical principles intact, set up the UK Medical Freedom Alliance. She is Dr. Elisabeth Evans, and she wrote an article  in TCW (formerly The Conservative Woman) which was first published on 15 Nov of this (2024) year entitled: “Repent! My call to Church leaders over their covid sins”.
In the article she wrote:
“The acquiescence of the Church to the fear narrative and inhumane measures is hard to forgive. As Christians, we are meant to use spiritual discernment and Scripture to avoid being deceived into following ungodly secular ideologies or the worship of false idols. Where was the testing of the spirit behind the policies, which were manifestly not good, acceptable or pleasing? Or the much-needed godly wisdom to call out human folly and hubris and prevent the catastrophic harm that resulted from humans playing God?”
The piece was re-published bry Prophecy Today (PT) the following week under a different title. And here is where the story of David and Nathan comes in. (2 Sam. 12:1-13)

Those who follow the PT ministry had, since it was first published in Nov. 2020, raised concerns about the aforementioned ‘gift from God’ article. The ministry has a long history of calling others to account: it is not unique in this. However in this context, and in ‘Nathan’ mode, the pseudonymous ‘Ja5per’ wrote as follows on the message thread appended to Dr. Evan’s ‘Repent’ article:
During the pandemic [the author of the Nov. article] said that he believed the Lord had revealed the knowledge of developing the covid vaccine.

I have repeatedly asked PT to address this, especially in the light of what is still unfolding with regard to vaccine injuries, but to no avail so far.

Here is the link to that article, from 27th November 2020. (See Note 4. Ed.)

We all make mistakes, but it is important to own them when they occur. I could take more seriously PT’s articles on the lockdown, the misinformation around the pandemic, and the misguided rollout of a relatively untested (and now known to be harmful) vaccine, if this issue were addressed.
Thank you for your consideration.

So by publishing Dr. Evan's ‘Repent’ article, PT found itself on the sharp end of a call to do exactly that. In fairness, the ministry has, over the period from 2022 onward, subsequently published a number of ‘Covid critical’ articles,5 Of course the result of this schizophrenic position has meant that the confusion on a vital issue has continued over a period of years. What remains is the need for all church leaders and Christian organisations (and not least the Christian Medical Fellowship on the medical front) to take up the issues of the tyranny which we are seeing being built all around us and articulate that publicly, clearly, honestly and unambiguously.

"We need to hear it coming from many more Christian leaders."

The NHS is pushing on with the injections which are maiming and killing tens of thousands while we face the prospect of Digital IDs and Central Bank Digital Currencies to be employed as coercive controls over our individual behaviours and freedoms. These sit alongside the attacks on life at every level which is increasing by the day.6 This global assault in the name of Agenda 2030, Net Zero and Sustainable Development is proceeding apace.

Dr. David Hughes has coined the term Omniwar to describe the comprehensive and multi-faceted assault which is being made against the world's populations. He outlined these thing very recently as one of the speakers at an international symposium of that title. But we need to hear it coming from many more Christian leaders; not just in the churches and organisations, but also those in the fields of politics, academia, medicine and those within the mainstream media.

I continue to hear the strident alarms being called out by the secular prophets – Neil Oliver, Jordan Peterson and Russell Brand to name but a few. Alongside, there are more and more of those who may have little time for the God of the Bible, who plead: “Where is the church?” No doubt in 1930’s Germany there were similar calls.

"Hiding truths behind password-protected media is the stuff of fear, not of trust.

Truth is courageous; courage is contagious"

In the vacuum of institutional silence I believe that God is raising up those like Dr. Evans; adding to those (new-born) Christians like Dr(s). Mike Yeadon and Clare Craig who have been speaking out and sounding the alarm. Pray for these believers.and for others like Andrew Bridgen the former MP who stood alone in Westminster. Pray also that the prophetic (outspeaking) voice will not be muffled by the increasing threats to freedom of speech. Albert Einstein stated: “If I were to remain silent, I’d be guilty of complicity”.

In an increasingly hostile environment self-censorship is surely not an option for those called to expound truth and come to the defence of righteousness and justice. Hiding behind password-protected media is the stuff of fear, not of trust. As the adage goes: "Truth is courageous; courage is contagious".

Pray that all Christians in this present hour of great darkness will recall the challenge to Queen Esther:
“For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance….will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14)

We who are called of Christ will not be held accountable for the generations which came before us. We will however need to give an answer to how we responded in this critical hour. Pray God that we will, individually and collectively, rise to the challenges of our age.

End Notes:
1. Could it be that churches, organisations and groups have failed, and are failing to speak out, lest so doing would cause division in their ranks?
2. While doctors found that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were very effective in addressing symptoms these meds were discredited by the authorities. The latter banned their use and punished those who tried to use them as treatments.
3. Too often when we see high impact statements being later shown to be false; then quietly removed, hoping no-one will notice. Do they think the God of heaven is blind to their actions? (Prov.15:13; Heb. 4:13) However regarding the Lancet piece, an article in the National Library of Medicine commended "the lead author who has swallowed his ego and done the right thing by publicly apologizing and asking for a retraction himself. It takes a lot of courage to admit a mistake, and in my opinion, these retractions should restore faith in the peer review process once again". Pray God that this humility and integrity be found everywhere.
4. It appears that the link which Ja5per quoted is no longer available.
5. For post-2020 PT articles see here, here, here and here.
6. The combination of encouraging (childless) same-sex relationships, gender transitioning, easy and late abortion, vaccine-induced infertility, the Medazolam scandal, increased neonatal + all-cause mortality, and now the vote to legalise euthanasia would seem to fit nicely into the agenda to reduce the world's population.

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Christians Together in the Highlands and Islands > Survival Kit > The Covid Conundrum: a Call to Repent