Stakeholder Capitalism

A new global-level economic paradigm to bring in a feudal system governed by the extremely wealthy.


Stakeholder Capitalism

An online presentation
by Richard Jeffs
Monday, 25 November, 2024
at 7.30pm
(UK Time)
<world clock>

Zoom link later

Stakeholder CapitalismSTAKEHOLDER Capitalism is an investigative documentary series about our undemocratic transition away from free-market capitalism to a global, authoritarian political system called Stakeholder Capitalism.

Enacted in 2020, Stakeholder Capitalism replaces both Shareholder Capitalism (free-market) and State Capitalism (communism) with a single, universal system that is governed by the World Economic Forum’s exclusive elite members, including the presidents of Russia and China.
Introducing ‘Our New Political System’, former TV producer and tech entrepreneur, Richard Jeffs, will be explaining what Stakeholder Capitalism is and how its Inclusive and Sustainable policies are changing our society and how the ESG corporate credit score forces us to adopt this new paradigm.

Stakeholder Capitalism Trailer

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The Editor, 12/11/2024

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Christians Together in the Highlands and Islands > Survival Kit > Stakeholder Capitalism