Trump/Israel/Iran/and our world

The vote on 5 November 2024 for Donald Trump as the next president of the USA is yet another inflection point.

US Israel IranTHE Covid plandemic, initiated in early 2020, marked the opening shot in a move towards global government. Then in October 2023 the Hamas assault on Israel catapulted the situation in the Middle East into a new phase. For Israel that attack represented a development from which Israel had to respond; and from which there is – for Israel to survive – no going back.

Then on 5 November 2024, the vote to install Donald Trump into a second term of office as president of the United States has been yet another point of inflection in terms of world history. What has not been so widely observed in the fall of 2024 are the moves by the UN, the WHO and the WEF via (variously) a nascent Pandemic Treaty, modification to the International Health Regulations and a 'Pact for the Future'. However these are are shaping the international backdrop for all major developments and, behind the sweet-sounding words, the tyranny outlined in Agenda 2030.

Some interesting perspectives

Regarding the recent American vote, a plethora of comment has emerged from a variety of situations and perspectives. However the vast majority of these has been from secular standpoints. One US source has commented as below. I believe it is of interest. Yes, because of the perspective on Trump/the US/Israel/Iran. But not least as, in the question it asks, highlight the role of the 'Deep State'. The hidden hands will remain aligned with the tyrannical ambitions of the 0.001% who constitute the psycho/sociopathic cabal of globalists and puppet-masters which is aiming to exert tyrannical control over our world, and all of the rest of us who live within it. Of course all of these things needs to find their place in the prophetic end-time purposes of God; for Israel, the nations and the church.

Let's now move on to the quote:
"We know what happens when the deep state does not get the outcome it wants. All hell breaks loose, just like did following the 2016 elections. Try to remember what that was like. Try to remember the legal challenges and the lawsuits, the hectoring and name-calling, the spurious allegations of voter fraud and Russian meddling, and the overall discrediting of the electoral process. Try to recall the street protests, the angry antifascist mobs scuffling with cops and the relentless outbursts of rage directed at the “new Hitler”.

Do you remember that?

That’s what happens when the deep state does not get its way.

Have you noticed that nothing similar to that display of manufactured rage has taken place in 2024? Have you noticed that the liberal media has been calling for calm and unity and that it is almost impossible to find a belligerent or hostile article aimed at Trump?

Isn’t this a case of the ‘dog that didn’t bark’; a case in which a skeptical person should assume foul play not from what he hears but from what he doesn’t hear?

Indeed, the reason the election results were “free and fair” is not because the intel community has stopped rigging elections, but because no rigging was required. They wanted Trump to win because Trump was ‘their man.’

Before I explain what I mean by that, allow me to share an email I send to a friend on Monday, the day before the election:"

Trump’s gonna win…
The deep state needs a popular president to recruit red state teenagers to fight a war with Iran…
Harris doesn’t have that kind of appeal..


NOW have a listen to Mike Evans of the Jerusalem Prayer Team. The journalist is claimed to be a confidante of Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and also the Evangelical Advisor to president-elect Donald Trump. While there is disparity in term of timing between Dr. Evans' view and that quoted above, both projections speak of a crippling attack on Iran by Israel.
Dr. Mike Evans - confidante of Netanyahu and advisor to Donald Trump
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A heart-felt plea from Iranian believers

A believer in an Iranian house church who e-mailed an American pastor. The short message outlines the general situation in Iran and gives context into which any attack on Iran would be received by "85%" of the Iranian people.
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And dont' forget Ukraine

In amongst all of this is the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. A proxy war being fought by the UN using nation states including the UK to attack Russia.

Donald Trump has stated that he wished to withdraw the United States from international conflicts. Whether the international bankers, the US military/industrial complex and the aforementioned globalists will allow him to do that remains to be seen.

As we say: "Watch this space."
MandyA (Guest) 14/11/2024 17:34
I have to say I don't find the commentary above concerning President Elect Donal Trump at all helpful. It makes him sound like part of the Deep State, which is what he has determined to expose and clean out, in order to 'drain the swamp'. I think the suggestion that there is some kind of conspiracy here or that he is the 'controlled opposition' is inappropriate and unhelpful. It merely serves to add to people's confusion, doubt and deception.

As Christians we need to unite at this time. Many of us have earnestly prayed for Donald Trump to be re-elected as God's 'trumpet' in these days, and as God's chosen instrument for His purposes for America and, and for these perilous and troubled times in which we are living. Donald Trump has been raised up for such a time as this, on the basis that He is seeking to reinstate godly laws and values. Where America leads, the rest of western society invariably follows.

Donald Trump has clearly claimed his allegiance to Jesus Christ and is surrounded by strong Christians in his team. He is not a 'perfect man' but which leader is? God is in the business of using unlikely heroes and imperfect, fallible human beings, to achieve His purposes, as Scripture clearly demonstrates - including heathens like King Nebuchadnezzar and King Cyrus.

What we need to be doing is discerning what God is wanting to do through him and surrounding him with our prayers rather than pursuing 'conspiracy theories' which undermine, distract and divide God's people.

April Elliott 28/11/2024 04:37
Jesus warned about much deception at the End of the Age. I do believe that the United States plays a role in End Times activities, but how? We will not know until the cards start to be played. I agree that we should all be praying all the time, without ceasing, I often pray and ask that I am not deceived and Thank the Lord for that. We shall see what happens very soon.

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Christians Together in the Highlands and Islands > Survival Kit > Trump/Israel/Iran and our world