They're coming for our farmers and food supply    

War has been declared on farmers, farming, food and our agricultural land.

Preface. What follows illustrates the current induced crisis in the agricultural and food supply sector.
Speaking loudly in the public domain is Mark Byford, the Bowler Hat Farmer.

Dig for victoryDURING WWII, Britain, as a heavily populated but geographically small island – then as now – consumed far more food than it could produce. It was obvious to al,l and a great concern of Winston Churchill that Merchant Navy ships carrying food would be the focus of enemy action. And the Wolf Packs of Nazi submarines in the Atlantic made that all too clear..

It was a serious worry for the Prime Minister that Britain’s reliance on imports meant that if those supply ships were stopped from bringing food into the country, shortages would lead to civil unrest as they had twenty years before. The resultant pressure on the Government could have then led to the capitulation which Hitler sought to achieve.

In this context, rationing was introduce while golf courses and the like were turned into farmers fields. Citizens were encouraged to develop allotments, while a land army of women moved into the fields to replace the farm hands who had gone to war.

The late Henry Kissinger who mentored Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum has been quoted as follows:
Farms"Who controls the food supply controls the people:

who controls the energy can control continents:

who controls money can control the whole world."

They knew it then: they are doing it now.

Mark can be seen below speaking to an online audience and following on as he responds in a QnA session.
Note: Just after the following recording was made, Supermarket giant Morrisons threw its support behind farmers protesting Labour's inheritance tax changes, in what campaigners are calling a "major development." The grocery chain's head of agriculture, Sophie Throup, posted a video message on social media expressing solidarity with Britain's farming community.
Recording of online meeting below
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The Editor, 14/01/2025

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Christians Together in the Highlands and Islands > Survival Kit > They're coming for our farmers and food supply