Mute in the Face of Catastrophe

While we see tens of millions around the world been killed or severely injured by a medical intervention we find we can no longer rely on: "Trust me I'm a doctor".

Ed preface: This is an article regarding which I really did everything I possibly could to avoid having to write. Indeed writing it is something that I never thought I would have to do; something that should never have needed to be addressed. It is only now being published after making repeated but ineffectual approaches over a period of years to the ministry concerned.
An edited version of the article has been published on the Prophecy Today website.



And justice is turned away backward, and righteousness standeth afar off; for truth is fallen in the street, and uprightness cannot enter. (Isaiah 59:14)

Silence of the LambsCAUSE AND EFFECT
"Everyone dies following their last meal, but not necessarily because of it."

CORRELATION doesn't prove causation. But while the data relating to vaccine-related deaths and life-changing injuries is now irrefutable the silence is deafening.

Very sadly, and like so many other individuals, churches, leaders and organisations, the Christian Medical Fellowship is not only mute with regards the dangers, but has stated: (emphasis theirs) "CMF is strongly in favour of vaccination..". Meanwhile looking at the CMF's 2024 recent conference agenda it would seem that there was no space given to scrutinize what could reasonably seen as the greatest act of government-sponsored harm the world has ever seen.

Over the last four years we have witnessed - in all spheres of public, political and institutional life -  lies, misinformation and subversion being employed to disguise and so deny the global killing field created by medical interventions which have been first developed within the military/pharmaceutical complex and then rolled out through government and healthcare agencies. But where are the cries of alarm?

The deafening silence

  A journalist/observer ask a vital question.
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"Within the Christian church which claims to follow the one who is The Truth, surely we should expect absolute integrity and fearlessness with the true facts".

While truth has indeed “fallen in the streets” we can, very sadly, expect to find that scenario in a godless world: not least in one which is controlled by corruption, greed and the perversities of carnal man. We also recognise the BBC for what it is – a Goebbelsian propaganda machine. However, within the Christian church which claims to follow the one who is The Truth, surely we should expect absolute integrity and fearlessness with the true facts.

The heart-felt pleas of Dr. David Cartland to his peers within the medical profession to "do the right thing" seem to continue to fall on deaf ears. Is it a case of convenient blindness or willful denial? In terms of individual medics and clinicians I asked one Christian doctor friend for his thoughts.His reply?

“They are afraid they might lose their licences, incomes and reputations”.
Or as US writer and political activist Upton Sinclair put it:

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it."
So while the lambs are falling silent in their tens of millions, the deadly programme rolls on. Indeed the 'First do no harm' Hypocratic Oath, and the moral and ethical principles of Informed Consent and bodily autonomy were, in a sense, the very first victims. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, a highly-respected and qualified Thai-German microbiologist has recently stated:
"Unfortunately, medical doctors of today — the majority have stopped being medical doctors".

However, while the above-mentioned inhibitors to professional, moral and ethical standards might be at work at personal levels, no such constrains apply to an organisation. Accordingly it is very difficult to understand the silence from the Christian Medical Fellowship on such an extremely important subject. One which is resulting in catastrophic levels of deaths and very serious life-changing injuries.
Mistakes were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice


ANGUS DALGLEISH, the highly-esteemed Professor of Oncology at St George's Hospital Medical School, London has been quoted as saying:
Angus Dalgleish"At the end of last year I reported that I was seeing melanoma patients who had been stable for years relapse after their first booster (their third injection). I was told it was merely a coincidence and to keep quiet about it, but it became impossible to do so. The number of my patients affected has been rising ever since. I saw two more cases of cancer relapse post booster vaccination in my patients just this last week.
Other oncologists have contacted me from all over the world including from Australia and the US. The consensus is that it is no longer confined to melanoma but that increased incidence of lymphomas, leukaemias and kidney cancers is being seen after booster injections. Additionally, my colorectal cancer colleagues report an epidemic of explosive cancers". 

The eminent physician then goes on to reference reports that mRNA spike protein negatively impacts cancer suppressor genes. He continues to outline has fears and expand his concerns to include a litany of additional series health issues associate with the injections.
It is very clear and very frightening that these vaccines have several elements to cause a perfect storm in cancer development in those patients lucky enough to have avoided heart attacks, clots, strokes, autoimmune diseases and other common adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines.
To advise booster vaccines, as is the current case, is no more and no less than medical incompetence; to continue to do so with the above information is medical negligence which can carry a custodial sentence. No ifs or buts any longer. All mRNA vaccines must be halted and banned now."
We see so-called turbo-cancers mushrooming, a tragic increase in neo-natal deaths and people being struck down by myocarditis. Regarding the athletes and otherwise-healthy people collapsing suddenly and dying, our newspapers inform us: "There is significant confusion amongst researchers as to what might be causing the trend". Really! Do they think we are stupid?

   Click on image below
Professor Ian BrighthopeProfessor Ian Brighthope proffers a hard-hitting overview of the damage all around the body concluding regarding the impact:
"This is so risky, it should never have been injected into a single human being ever". Most recently we have witnessed a global recall of all AstraZeneca 'vaccines'.

"They are not only still coming for our children, but using our children in the process."

Meanwhile, at the time of writing, the NHS is sending out invitations with set appointments to "get your Covid-19 spring vaccine as your level of protection may have faded since your last dose". And make no mistake, in terms of vaccine-hesitancy they are not only still coming for our children but using our children in the process.

Pray for these bold and honest people.
'Truth is courageous: courage is contagious'.

PLEASE PRAY that Christian doctors will raise their voices. Pray for Dr. David Cartland. His strenuous pleas to his profession have been very costly at a number of levels. Pray also for brave men and women like Andrew Bridgen MP, Professor Angus Dalgleish, Dr. Aseem Malhotra and Dr. Claire Craig who have been striving valiantly in the face of huge opposition to influence politicians; to share the data and to report what they and others see as criminal activity to the police. The lives and well-being of our peoples are at stake.

Ed footnotes:
1. According to its website, the CMF "formed in 1949 and there are currently 5,000 doctors, 900 medical and nursing students and 300 nurses and midwives as members”. It is also a member of the ‘Care Not Killing Alliance’. While the organisation has – rightly so – voiced concerns about the current crisis in the Middle East, it would seem to be either in abject ignorance or wilful denial of an ongoing health catastrophe of biblical magnitude.
2. The above article has been written following repeated requests since 2021 to the CMF to express any concerns about the Covid injections.This article includes a number of short videos of a wide range of doctors speaking out.
3. Refer to the side-bar for important links.

The Editor, 17/05/2024

We Are Up Against World Power Andrew Bridgen MP
This short extract from an address given by Andrew Bridgen to a meeting in a Westminster committee room reveals the nature of the battle that is going on against the people of our countries by very powerful globalists.
Downloads: 302
Recorded: 11/01/2024
Length: 1 minute
Play Download MP4 Video (8.9MB)
A plea to fellow doctors.mp4 Dr. David Cartland
Dr. David Cartland issuing a heart-felt cry to fellow doctors regarding their continuing role and involvement in the Covid 'vaccine' programme. The doctor is witnessing and dealing with a serious and diverse range of medical conditions following the introduction of these treatments.
Downloads: 953
Recorded: 05/02/2024
Length: 7 minutes
Play Download MP4 Video (16.4MB)
Mike Yeadon on the biggest crime in history Dr. Mike Yeadon
Mike Yeadon is a former Vice-president of Pfizer. On this short video he speaks of the Covid shots as being what he thinks will be "the biggest crime in history".
Downloads: 2246
Length: 3 minutes
Play Download MP4 Video (6.3MB)
Rodger Hodkinson blows the whistle on vaccines Dr. Roger Hodkinson
An Oxford-educated English pathologist speaks to a former BBC journalist and accuses those who are pushing the Covid-19 vaccine programme as perpetrating a crime against humanity.
Downloads: 4884
Length: 0 minute
Play Download MP4 Video (2.3MB)

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Christians Together in the Highlands and Islands > Survival Kit > Mute in the Face of Catastrophe