Eschatology: A Tale of Two Futures

A two-part presentation by Geoff Barnard

AS part of the aims set out in Prospectus 2025 the following is a recording of Geoff Barnard speaking from his home in Israel on the subject of what he understands from Scripture regarding the end times.

Ref: The Millennium Maze diagram
Recommended reading:
When Jesus Returns by David Pawson
The Millennium Maze by Stanley J. Grenz
Both authors present and evaluate the various views.

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2. The Wesley hymn The Almighty God of Love ,which was played at the end of  Part 1 can be found here.
3. Geoff can be found speaking on 'A Passover Seder'; 'The Rapture Question (No. 1)'; and 'Daniel 9'. Also on YouTube.
4. It is acknowledged that there are a number of differing interpretations on end-time issues and the reminder to us all is to "Be Bereans" (Acts 17:11).
5. Check also the left-hand margin for related material.

The Editor, 16/02/2025

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Christians Together in the Highlands and Islands > Survival Kit > Eschatology: A Tale of Two Futures