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Repent! A call to Church leaders
The co-founder of the UK Medical Freedom Alliance, Dr. Liz Evans has called on Christian leaders to repent for supporting the Covid injections roll-out.

A Christian doctor has issued a strident call to those church leaders who fell in line with the Covid medical treatment to repent of their support for the programme.
In the period between late 2020 and 2021 Christian leaders up and down the land championed the roll-out of what has now been shown as a highly-damaging and often deadly medical intervention. The Covid gene-therapy injections have caused immense injury and tens of thousands of deaths around the world.
In the video below Dr. Evans outlines the part which Christian leaders actively played in the egregious and unethical policies adopted throughout. Over the whole period the Christian Medical Fellowship has been utterly silent, even when the above-mentioned injuries and deaths mounted up to an undeniable level; and this in spite of repeated enquiries and attempts to have the organisation respond to this vital issue. In May 2024 the CMF website stated (emphasis theirs): "CMF is strongly in favour of vaccination'. While this might be a general view the inference and implication in the circumstances are clear.
Elsewhere Dr. Evans has covered the issue in writing. Earlier she has spoken out on the subject of State Overreach in Healthcare.
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MEANWHILE, the HART group, "a broad base of UK doctors and health professionals", has issued an open letter to Kemi Badenoch, the newly-elected leader of the UK Conservative Party. Part of that letter states:
"In your election campaign, you pledged to rebuild the Conservative party and to acknowledge the mistakes that led to such a disastrous General Election result. The Conservative Party website rightly states ‘It’s time to tell the truth’.
You now have a massive responsibility and opportunity to deliver on your promise, even if it means criticising the last almost five years of your colleagues’ decisions. One of the topics notably, and remarkably, absent from the General Election campaign was the whole management of SARS-CoV-2: (i) the lockdowns and fear messaging and (ii) the denigrating of natural immunity and existing plans and treatments, all in favour of a rush to vaccinate the entire population regardless of the risk/benefit balance."
In the Spring of 2024, Clare Craig, a diagnostic pathologist testified to the conclusions she has come to and in the process of her work and engagements over the previous four years had come to recognise evil. Praise God this led her to faith in Jesus Christ. She testifies to here experience here.
The 'Dear Church Leader (and everyone else)' substack has also posted on this issue.
The precursor to repentance is honesty and humility. It remains to be seen how those who advocated the injections and supported the roll-out, and who have since remained silent after the 'safe and effective' mantra was exposed, might respond. Very sadly that lie remains unchallenged by those who purport to lead God's people.
The Editor, 21/11/2024