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Lied to: Before, During and Since 9/11
We have been and are being lied to and betrayed by those in whom we have trusted: but there is hope.
ON the anniversary of the disastrous and deadly attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon 23 years ago, as a gift a friend gave me book which confirmed absolutely of that which my previous research had convinced me. In the Foreward to 'Where Did The Twin Towers Go?' Eric Larson wrote:
"Those who read Dr. [Judy] Wood's book fairly, openly and thoroughly will take away with them the gift knowing once and for all what happened on 9/11, no matter how different this truth may be from what they have been told for many years b supposedly higher authorities, from the government itself on through newspapers, journalist, progressive radio programs and commentators, even figure from the so-called "9/11 truth movement."
Dr. Judy Wood is one of the most maligned researchers on the planet. She has been on the receiving end of a relentless stream of attacks and smears, as documented by Andrew Johnson in his two books, 9/11: Finding the Truth (2009) and 9/11: Holding the Truth (2017). Nevertheless, Where Did The Towers Go? (2011) stands as the most complete forensic investigation of the destruction of the Twin Towers.
In these days of military-grade psyops and the gas-lighting of an utterly corrupt and captured mainstream media, one of the criteria in the search of truth is to find those who are being attacked, silenced, vilified, discredited and demeaned the most.
Robert F. Kennedy Jnr. has averred strenuously:
'My father told me: "People in authority lie"'.
Stepping back in time we had the fatal shooting of President John F. Kennedy on 22 November, 1963. There can surely be few today who don't by now realise and believe that he and, 5 years later, his brother Senator Robert F. Kennedy were assassinated by the CIA and the so-called Deep State. Neil Oliver, speaking from his GBNews spot has recently spoken into the above. It is on these issues that in our day Bobby Kennedy's son Robert F. Kennedy Jnr. has averred strenuously: 'My father told me: "People in authority lie"'.
Sometime in the first half of 2020 a number of observers around this world of ours came to the conclusion that there was something very seriously wrong with the story which was being hammered out daily about the Covid 'pandemic' and the authorities' response to the crisis. In June of that year Klaus Schwabb's two books The Great Reset and The Fourth Industrial Revolution burst on the scene along with a dramatic and scary video of a collapsing world which needed to be saved from what we had and have inflicted on it. Fear was the weapon being used against the masses.
A grouping formed up
In late Summer 2020 a group of Christians from a variety of backgrounds and locations around the UK formed up to discuss and pray about all that was happening. In March 2021 the group presented a conference entitled Navigating the Pandemic Fog. The online gathering attracted an audience from around the world. The video recording of the meeting can be seen here along with a follow-up ' Past; Present; Future: 2020 - 2023 - 20XX with the video here.
By late 2020/early 2021 the heavy pressure was on around the world to roll up one's sleeve and get injected with a novel gene-therapy; a product which was " authorised but not licensed". This was an expression designed to validate the medical intervention while giving the Big Pharma companies a 'Get Out of Jail' card in cases of adverse reactions. Between the initial roll out and the present untold millions around the world have been seriously harmed or died as a result of these treatments. The unreported phenomenon of Sudden Adult Death syndrome and the huge increase in All-cause Mortality roll on unchecked.
Cognitive Dissonance
While all of the above should have been more than sufficient in making the psychological leap there was, and still is, one immense hurdle which can only be overcome at an individual and personal level. The evidence we encounter, if we are diligent enough to seek it out, wars against our perception that those institutions and individuals – particularly in the medical, political and scientific realms – have been active or complicit in the greatest fraud and deception every perpetrated against the world's peoples. To come to terms with this requires a massive mind-shift. It is one which is extremely painful to undertake and experience, but it is nevertheless essential if we are to correctly understand the world in which we live. Neil Oliver is not known for having a Christian faith, but he has been diligent in terms of critical thinking. He has posed the question: "What is it going to take before enough people accept that we were lied to; and that we were deliberately manipulated by politicians and their officials?” The question for each one of us is 'Which is you?'
Future Hope
 We are living in and experiencing what could be described as a very scary world. However, those whose who have come to trust in the Saviour of the world, can rest in the knowledge that their ultimate destiny is secure.
The Net Zero cabal are striving (they say) to save the world. However that is not God's plan and their schemes will ultimately fail God never did intend to save our present world; rather His offer is to save one person at a time through the death and resurrection of His Son.