Into 2025
And our world is on the brink....
"God knows. His will is best.
The stretch of years
Which wind ahead, so dim
To our imperfect vision,
Are clear to God. Our fears
Are premature; In Him,
All time hath full provision."
HERE we are; entering into a new calendar year.
Turning back to what I wrote a year ago at this time, I find my thoughts remain substantially unchanged. Unchanged that is other than the fact that we are 12 months further down the Agenda 2030 track.
But spinning back further now to 1939; and to the end of that first year of the Second World War with Germany. In his Christmas message to the nation at that most anxious time, King George VI delivered an affectionately-remembered address as a boost to public morale .
The monarch quoted from a writing entitled ‘The Gate of the Year’: "Go out into the darkness, and put your hand into the hand of God.That shall be to you better than light, and safer than a known way.”
The quotation at the head of this missive is the penultimate verse of that poem.The author, Minnie Louise Haskins, belonged to the Wesleyan tradition and had spent some years as a lay missionary in India. Her poem is a prayer full of Christian faith and hope and confidence, and it is good to be thus reminded of where, in the supreme and ultimate sense, our faith and futures lie.
The new King's address to the nation
However, as we step off into all our tomorrows, King Charles III’s Christmas address may also be remembered – but remembered for reasons quite different from those attaching to his grandfather’s inspirational speech back in those dark days of deadly conflict.
Indeed concerning our King's message this Christmas, an erstwhile chaplain to his mother Queen Elizabeth II has put his thoughts into the public domain with the heading 'Declaration of Civil War'. And Rev. Dr. Gavin Ashenden’s sentiments have been echoed here and here.
In fact, our present monarch is firmly entrenched amidst the globalist elites who are, and have been engaged in the most grievous attacks on our welfare. Indeed, in terms of their nature and span, scholar Dr. David Hughes has described what we are experiencing as being an ‘Omniwar’ – a veritable assault on the populations of our world across every sphere of personal, daily and public life. Hughes’ Magnum Opus entitled ‘Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy: Volume 1‘ is truly a ‘must read’.
The intrinsic value of the extensively-researched and referenced book is reflected in the £100+ price tag of the hardcopy version; found in the libraries of academia. But the good news is that this veritable ‘tour de force’ is available free in PDF form. It is indeed challenging stuff.
For those who would rather listen than read, Dr. Hughes can be found as one of the main speakers on an eponymous symposium. His talk can be accessed here. He can be found on his Substack and recently in conversation with an online group of other believers.
While truth may have ‘fallen in the streets’, more and more of those who seek to find it are also finding each other.
It was and is most encouraging to note that in the course of his most-rigorous research, the academic discovered that many of those whom he found to be ‘in tune’ with his thinking were/are indeed committed Christians, including fellow symposium speakers ‘technocracy’ analyst Patrick Wood and Professor Daniel Broudy. While truth may have ‘fallen in the streets’, more and more of those who seek to find it are also finding each other;
A new blip on the screen
Immediately following the horrendous attack by Hamas on Israeli citizens on October 7, 2023, another ‘truth-seeker’ appeared for the first time on my radar screen
As a Jewish citizen living in the land, Efrat Fenigson raised legitimate and serious questions about how it was that one of the most closely-monitored and assiduously-guarded borders on the planet seemed to have been so effortlessly breached; and how one of the world’s most efficient intelligence networks could be so blind-sided? Well might she ask, but by so doing received hefty kickbacks.
In a similar vein in relation to the attacks, a Messianic believer living in the land has elsewhere observed of Israel's political, military and intelligence agencies:
"They are too intelligent to be that stupid, and too professional to be that incompetent!"
Most recently I have found that Fenigson’s curiosity in early 2020 on the Covid scene, has mirrored that of many others. I can certainly identify with the failure by so many in terms of critical thinking and willful denial. Regarding her observations she has, like others, experienced ad hominem attacks. In her Substack blog she has now written:
"Four and a half years ago, I began to realize that something had gone very wrong in the world around me. Something is distorted.
Many tried to make me believe that the problem was with me.
Despite pressure from friends and family, shaming, oppression, restrictions, and sometimes even humiliation—despite discrimination, coercion, lies, manipulations, gaslighting, thought engineering, and the sophisticated methods of media propaganda and 'behavioural economics' – I did not break"
And now a Christian doctor has called it out
The rather harrowing experiences of Ms. Fenigson's were shared also by Dr. Elizabeth Evans and others of similar mind around her. However, like Fenigson and other brave spirits, she was not to be deterred or silenced.
As co-founder of the UK Medical Freedom Alliance she very recently issued a strident and heart-felt challenge to all those church leaders who had endorsed and supported the egregious and extremely harmful measures of the Covid ‘pandemic’. In her presentation she called for those involved to repent and observed:
“As a committed Christian, for me one of the most devastating features of the covid era was the deafening silence from the Church (of all denominations) in the face of unethical and immoral policies and behaviours”.
Even those who would have little space for God in their thinking have been crying out: “Where are the churches in all of this?” Wilful ignorance or denial, fear of reputational damage and/or of authorities? Let the reader decide.
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless".
Deitrich Bonhoeffer was the German pastor who did speak out about what he was witnessing in mainland Europe during WWII. He was vocal in his opposition to Adolf Hitler's euthanasia program and genocidal persecution of Jews. He was arrested in April 1943 by the Gestapo and imprisoned at Tegel Prison for 1½ years.
Accused of being associated with the 20 July plot to assassinate Hitler, he was tried along with other plotters and was hanged on 9 April 1945 during the collapse of the Nazi regime.He is known to have stated:
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act”.
Reiner Fuellmich is the lesser-known German/American lawyer who has exposed corruption in large organisations like Deutsch Bank and Volkswagen. However, he is now in a high-security prison on a minor (trumped up) charge. His real crime? Over a period of four years he, and one of his colleagues ran the Corona Investigative Committee and meticulously interviewed scores of experts, ultimately producing a 87-page 'Grand Jury' report.
So what of tomorrow?
As we approach January 20, 2025 and the inauguration of Donald Trump into his second term of office to become the 47th President of the of the United States of America, just about anything could happen – before or after that date.
Indeed we need to consider whether or not Trump will even make it to the Oval Office before the next cataclysm being planned for our planet? Those seeking to reinvent our world have no shortage of false flags and black swans in their playbook to cause havoc and disruption. Indeed the question is not one of ‘if’ but rather of ‘how and when?’
In this interregnum period some commentators from the other side of the pond have recently shared their views concerning the President elect. Questions included:
Will he parley with Putin to bring an end to the NATO-inspired proxy war on Russia which is being waged at enormous human and financial cost?
Will his planned reforms involving Elon Musk, Robert F. Kennedy Jnr. and others 'drain the swamp' and derail the globalist’s Agenda 2030?
Will he pull the USA’s financial support for the World Health Organisation?
What will he do in the Middle East?
Meanwhile, back in the UK those institutions which we traditionally trusted – politics, medicine, science, academia, regulatory bodies, the media, the judiciary, the police – have since come to be seen for what they now are. Captive. In the big things of life, these institutional pillars are now utterly untrustworthy and indeed, in major respects, hostile to our well-being.
These bodies, and the vast majority of those in senior positions within them, have not only failed us very badly, but have been and are even now actively working against our well-being. In the last few years, along with the 'Ministry of Truth', they have weaponised fear, medical treatments and legislation to silence us and herd us into line. As a result, our trust in all of our mainstream systems has completely evaporated. Now the aim is to impose individual Digital IDs and a Central Bank Digital Currency. Surely we can recognise the nature of the spirits behind all of this. This is the road to the gulag.
In his excellent book ' Live Not by Lies; a manual for Christian dissidents' the author Rod Dreher has written:
To put it bluntly, we are being conditioned to accept a Westernised version of China's social credit system. If this every takes root here, there will be no place to hide. Christians and others will be forced to pioneer a way to live in truth, despite it all.
The book was first published in 2020. How much nearer are we to the Chinese model now?
"Therefore, you kings, be wise; be warned, you rulers of the earth."
In the storm-tossed boat on the Galilean sea Peter learned to walk on the water. Our faith might be similarly tested if we are to forsake a dependency on those worldly systems which seek to control us and subvert our faith.
Operating in an increasingly hostile culture it is surely good for faithful followers of Christ to “ encourage one another and all the more as we see the Day drawing near”. (Heb. 10:25)
And concerning the machinations of the globalist elite, we need to remind ourselves from the Word of God. Speaking through King David, the Lord of all heaven and earth derides the plans of men and puts them on notice. "Therefore, you kings, be wise; be warned, you rulers of the earth." (Psalm. 2:10) And of course in that other most-loved of passages we are reassured:
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. (Psalm 23:4-5)
In the face of possible future events, can we believe these things? Rather, can we own these things?
Rounding the last bend
 Whatever hurdles may lie ahead of us in our path, I am more and more convinced that in life's race of faith we have now rounded the last bend.
Though we do not know how how far it is to the finishing line, we are now, I believe, running in the home straight. It’s my prayer that each and every one of us will all ultimately be able emulate the apostle Paul in claiming that we have fought the good fight; we have finished the race and we have kept the faith. (2 Tim. 4:7)
As we launch out together into all that the Lord has for us in this coming year, let us be found faithful and obedient to our calling; to reach out to the lost; in all things to glory of God as we await the soon coming again of our Lord Jesus Christ.