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Homecall of Monica Hill
Monica Hill received her well-earned promotion to glory on Christmas Eve 2024.
Following the home call of Marjory Hill on Christmas Eve 2024, the following e-mail was sent out to all members of the ChristiansTogether website. (Responses have been coming in by e-mail to the Editor. See Note below.)
Copy of an e-mail sent by the Editor on Boxing Day 2024 to all ChristiansTogetheer site members
Dear brothers and sisters,
Monica Hill's Homecall
Monica Hill (14/08/34 - 24/12/2024)
THIS is the morning of Boxing Day 2024 and I didn't anticipate sending an e-mail to you; certainly not this one. However I (and others) have had a message from Clifford Hill (25 Dec. 7.30pm) to say that Monica, his dear wife of 68 years, went to be with the Lord on Christmas Eve. She collapsed at her computer on early Monday evening and was taken to hospital without delay. However a brain scan showed massive bleeding and she died less than 24 hours later without regaining consciousness.
In his letter Cliff writes of her "working right to the end". On a recent online discussion I testified to the fact that much of what I am today is due to the ministry of Cliff and Monica along with David Noakes, David Forbes and Edmund Heddle. These dear folks came up to Scotland on many occasions which illustrated their concern for the whole of the UK in the purposes of God.
I will write more very soon, but meanwhile, as I consider how we might 'strengthen the body' into the new year of 2025, I remember back to the autumn of 2020 when the Cliff and Monica ran a 9-part series on 'Becoming Overcomers'. You can see them introducing that course based on the 'Revelation' churches: a subject so vital for our day.
In his letter Cliff talks about how he and Monica worked together as a shared ministry, and I know personally, it is a dynamic which is impossible to overstate. So Cliff's loss, though tempered through heaven's gain, is immeasurable.
Please do pray for our brother, and for the whole family at this time of immense loss.
>>>> ends >>>>>>>
Dr. Hill is happy to give opportunity for those who visit this page to leave their messages in the Response facility below.
For those wishing to write the postal address is as follows:
Dr Clifford Hill
C and M Ministries Trust
Bellingham House
2 Huntingdon Street
St Neots
Cambs PE19 1BG
Editor |
27/12/2024 22:11 |
I have entered e-mail responses from site members (initials only as I don't have time to obtain permissions).
>>>>So sorry to hear of this, Colin. Clifford Hill is a real work horse for God and provides a lot of material for the church. Our condolences to him. (K & PC)
>>>>Oh no!!!! ?? that news has really shocked me and teared me up. I think we believed honestly that they were somehow going to live forever on this earth!! She was on the Issachar Sunday afternoon gathering only a couple of weeks ago, supporting Clifford as ever. I cannot imagine the immense-ness of his pain and sorrow. 68 years is forever! ?? what a blessed witness they have been to the UK and what a loss to us all.
I am deeply thankful that we shall all be reunited again one day and Clifford will see his beloved once again. But I am so sad.
Thank you for sharing Colin. (CJ)
>>>>>Thanks for letting us know. It's certainly sad news for us, great news for her, now with the Loved One. May the Lord comfort Cliff and his family. (DS)
>>>>So so sad. My condolences to Clifford and his family. (JR)
>>>> Thank you for that sad but joyous news that Monica Hill has gone to be with her blessed Redeemer without any time of suffering. I am already praying comfort for Clifford. After so many years together , united in all they did, it is so difficult to accept a completely different life. But God……. May the Lord ever give us all peace in the midst of life’s devastating storms. (IM)
>>>>Ah, Colin. What a grievous message to have to write on Boxing Day. Thanks very much for letting me know, though. One of those cases where Isaiah 57:1 comes as little consolation.
The Lord bless you, keep you and console you – you and all of us whose lives Monica touched. (CP)
>>>>How blest we have been through the writings of both Clifford and Monica Hill. I think I met them both many years ago at Tremore Manor, Lanivet Bodmin - the home of Miss Ann Whitaker and Dr. Adams. Thank you for taking the time to write to us all today - sad news but without it none of us would be able to spend time in prayer and thanksgiving for Monica’s life and work for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and for Clifford Hill her constant companion. (AC)
>>>>Thanks be to God for Monica ,a life we'll lived, fully occupied in the Lords work, until called to come. up higher. Thanks Colin for sharing. Will.pray. (CR)
>>>>Dear Colin
Thank you for letting us all know this very sad news which Aggy and Susannah had kindly also let us know.
Like yourself, so very many of us have been enriched over the years by Clifford and Monica’s ministry, both from attendingtheif meetings as well as from reading Prophecy Today and I vividly recall being in a meeting of six of us in about 1980 which comprised Clifford and Monica and Jean and Elmer Darnell and an architect friend and myself, when the four were considering purchasing the Lesyian Mission Building in The City of London and using it for their combined ministry. It was fascinating to watch the four in action. (SJ)
>>>>>Shall see her in glory! Ps 116:15. (EM)
>>>>>I received the news Colin and though very sad for Clifford and the family how wonderful to enter heavens gates into the presence of Jesus without prolonged suffering. I’ve often thought how we will be so depleted of the Spiritual giants you mentioned as we enter even darker days Clifford’s ministry helped shape my spiritual journey and I’ll never forget his book ‘Tell My People I Love Them’ having watched a father risk his life to save his child from certain death as she slid to a precipice on the ski slopes. Also attending his Prophetic Gathering in 1986 in Jerusalem when Lance Lambert brought the word to the nations. What a Godly partnership. May the Lord comfort him in this very bereft time. (SD)
>>>>>Thank you for your email Colin. I shall praise God that dear Monica is with Him but also that He will fold his arms around Clifford and his family. (JE)
>>>>>Very sorry to hear about Monica Hill. That’s must have been a real shock ! We pray for Cliff and their family at this sad time. We also lost a relative just before Christmas, it has been a very surreal and sad time! (J)
David & Jean Foster (Guest) |
27/12/2024 22:27 |
This was such a shock about Monica's passing into the glory of heaven, as we know that it has been a real shock to you. We know that Monica was such an integral part of your partnership in ministry for all these many years. Our hearts go out to you and to all of your family. We know that Monica will be greatly missed by you and by your family and by the many, many friends, along with Jean and myself, that have so benefited from your faithful and fruitful ministry and your friendship and your encouragement over these many years. You will certainly be in our thoughts and prayers in these days of grief, of reflection, of adjustment, and also of thankfulness for a life well lived for the glory of Christ. Much love in Christ, David & Jean
Editor |
28/12/2024 10:22 |
>>>>Many thanks, Colin. Yes, we will all give thanks for Monica's life and uplift Clifford for the Lord's comfort: I Thess. 4:13-18. (N&MA)