Christian Life 

 Into 2024

After four years of orchestrated chaos we continue to find ourselves surrounded by a hostile and murky environment.

Into 2024“MORE than any other time in history, mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other, to total extinction.
Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly.”
Woody Allen

"WE KNOW there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don't know we don't know". Donald Rumsfield

"FOR I KNOW the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Into 2020IN SIMILAR MANNER four years ago, we launched into a new twelve-month calendar period. In a ‘Into 2020’ article I used a graphic of a man taking a dive into the clear water of a swimming pool. Little did I and the most of the world know then, that the water of that new year was rapidly to become extremely murky indeed.
In that moment of time, most of our unsuspecting world was unaware of the carefully-crafted plans by a cabal of power-crazed sociopaths. Their schemes aimed at plunging us into a global crisis which, in terms of geographical and societal scale, quickly became the worst that the world has ever known. And they are pressing on. Accordingly, we are now operating in an alien environment where the provision and support systems on which we have traditionally relied have shown themselves to be utterly untrustworthy and even hostile to our well-being.We need to look no further than what has been done throughout the last four years to the peoples of planet earth through the institutions to which we previously looked for care and protection, to realise that they, and many of those within them, are working against our interests and welfare.

On the first day of 2020, the average person was completely unaware of the nefarious but innocently-named Event 201 and Agenda 2030 programmes which were to break upon our unsuspecting world. But now, as we step into 2024, the bathymetric picture in my head has changed. We now find ourselves operating in an extremely darksome and highly-threatening environment – akin to that of a deep-sea diver.
In the naïve and unsuspecting innocence of that day in January, the vague news of a public health problem in China – at first trickling into our consciousness in the immediate wake of the New Year celebrations – very quickly built into what was stridently declared to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. As we were to rapidly discover, the Code Red alerts surrounding the novel Covid-19 pathogen were very quickly to become the prevailing and incontestable rationale for locking down the entire planet.

Red alertYet as early as the March of that year the alarm bells were going off in my head.
  • Why were those who were symptomatic being denied the effective early treatments which brave doctors were seeking to prescribe? Why were these doctors being silenced and threatened?

  • Why were periods of enforced quarantine being applied before any medical interventions, thus allowing any infections to develop to life-threatening levels?

  • Why were elderly and infirm citizens being hustled into the most infection-prone environments.

  • Why, when the political language was that of being at war, was ‘fear’  being pumped out daily through every available mainstream channel rather than moral-boosting messages?

  • Why were there no concerns being expressed about the devastating impact that lockdown polices were having on the economy, social engagement, children’s schooling and mental health?

  • Why were early doubters being publicly-shamed and bullied by ‘don’t kill granny’ messaging while the alternative recommendations and the "grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies" coming from highly-esteemed virologists, epidemiologists and public health scientists were being buried.

  • How was it that almost all of the countries around the world were marching in coordinated lockstep? What was going on here?

"Truth seekers were variously ignored, silenced, ridiculed and mercilessly attacked".

As the spring of 2020 led into the summer of that year, I discovered that others around me shared my questions and concerns. By the autumn of that year the grouping had grown to around twenty, and included doctors and researchers. This engagement resulted in a 3-hour online conference in March 2021 entitled ‘Navigating the Pandemic Fog’. A follow-through analysis entitled 'Past; Present; Future: 2020 - 2023 - 20XX' was held in the year just past. However one of the first speakers at the 2020 presentation even then stated: “We are at war, and we face a huge struggle for truth”. Indeed US Senator H W Johnston is attributed with the expression: “The first casualty of War is Truth.” Critical thinkers came to realise that the mainstream legacy media plus social media networks were captive to the prevailing universal narrative.
 Dr. Roger Hodkinson speaking in 2021
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However, as more of the truth started to emerge, those who were truly ‘truth-seeking’ were variously ignored, silenced, ridiculed and mercilessly attacked. The pejorative ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ jibe – coined at the time to ridicule suggestions that President John F Kennedy was assassinated by his own government – was effectively employed as a demeaning term of scorn; applied to anyone who dared to speak against the mainstream narrative.
Thankfully these courageous ‘truth-seekers have now been vindicated. However, and extremely sadly for the families of those heroes of truth and integrity who ‘died suddenly and unexpectedly’ the vindication is posthumous.

As time progressed further in-depth research was undertaken by professionals who remained loyal to moral and ethical principles. One of these was and is former Pfizer Vice-president Dr. Mike Yeadon who has gone on record as stating:
Mike Yeadon1
We’re in the middle of the biggest crime in history. It's global. It has the intent of control, removing everybody's freedom, and will involve killing further millions, if not billions of people. It is long planned. If you comply with this tyranny, it will end with the loss of your liberty, and probably your life. That's what's going to happen if you and everybody else choose to do nothing at all."

Excess deathsIndeed, now we now know that the ‘pandemic’ was but the first manufactured crisis to seek to impose The Great Reset, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Agenda 2030 on our world. While the deadly impact of the ‘vaccines’ is now being exposed in the soaring, but yet still largely ignored, cases of all-cause mortality, the full realisation of the effects of the gene-modifying and nano-technology components of these imposed medical interventions has yet to break forth. And the technocratic dystopia being created by politically-sanctioned military-grade weaponry, super-computer data processing and the all-seeing surveillance infrastructures is now being foisted on us. Dr. Peter McCullough has described the medical response as "Two Waves of Injury" on the world. So in terms of these interventions from here on in, and with the hard evidence now available, it is truly 'make up our minds' time.

"....while herding those remaining souls into the ULEZ sheep-pens."

As US Vice-President Al Gore's ‘Inconvenient Truth’ of the 2000 Global Warming scam inconveniently failed to whip us into a fear-and-trembling line, the expediently-renamed ‘Climate-change’ hysteria is being given a second run. Following the death of Queen Elizabeth II we now have the newly-enthroned King Charles III radically ditching his mother’s wise and apolitical stance by leading the supranational ‘Conference of the Parties’ save-the-planet, sustainable development, Net Zero rat pack of un-elected and unaccountable organisations and mega-rich technocratic psychopaths allied with the military-industrial complex, international banking cartels, Big Pharma and Big Tech.

King Charles and the GlobalistThese groupings and individuals are all working assiduously together to rid the planet of billions of "useless eaters" while herding those remaining souls into the ULEZ sheep-pens of 30-minute cities and 15-minute neighbourhoods; all destined to lead us into a meager survival which will be totally dependent upon a subsistence-level Universal Basic Income. The latter of course will be subject to 'good behaviour' as per the Chinese Social Credit sytem.

The other very real and present dangers are those of imposing a Digital ID on every person while also replacing the current money system with a Central Bank Digital Currency. Meanwhile the World Health Organisation is beavering behind the scenes to formulate a new Pandemic Treaty and revise the International Health Regulations in order to subvert the sovereignties of its 193 member nations. They might however benefit from a reading of Psalm 2:1-12.
Our sure and certain hope

So back now to my change of graphic for this, 2024, year. The deep-sea diver operates in a dark, dangerous and uncharted situation indeed, but he operates at the end of a lifeline. With his helmet  connected to the surface by an umbilical cord he is able to function in a hostile and life-threatening environment. In analogous fashion for the Christian the same dynamic applies: our life is sustained from above. The Psalmist put it this way:
My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord watches over you— the Lord is your shade at your right hand.
The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
The Lord will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life.
The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and for evermore.
(Psalm 121:2-8)

The hymn-writer Edward Mote wrote the hymn 'My Hope is build on nothing less' which carries the refrain "On Christ the solid Rock I stand: all other ground is sinking sand". Whatever the future days and months of this ensuing year might bring, as believers we need to keep our faith, hope and focus on the Lord; with our feet fixed firmly on the sure salvation through Jesus Christ who lives forever to make intercession for us.

My earnest prayer – for myself personally and believers around the world – is that we will be able to shine the light of Christ into the darkness; bringing the light of the Gospel in the knowledge that "where meek souls will receive him, still the dear Lord enters in". And all to the glory of God.
Footnote: For an analytical framework relating to the above go to 'Which is You?'

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Christians Together in the Highlands and Islands > Christian Life > Into 2024