Is there any word from the Lord
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This section of the web site (Note 1.) is for the purpose of holding present day thoughts given as a (rhema) word from the Lord. Whilst some of the content may speak in the first person (i.e. "Thus saith the Lord....") the reader should in no way assume that any message carries a de facto divine authority. Everything is to be tested - by the Word and the Spirit.
In the context of this site, prophecy is mainly defined as the ‘forthtelling’ of the Word of God – in particular, God’s Word concerning His Son, Jesus the Messiah of Israel and Saviour of the world. The One who was the horizon of ancient Israel’s prophets (Rom 1:2; 1Peter 1:10) (1) is the central message of the apostolic church in every age.(2) The Jesus-centred church is God’s prophet to the world – a letter from Messiah.(3) Jesus intends His church to proclaim His word and reveal His Living Presence to the world, empowered by the Holy Spirit.(4) Prophecy is God’s gift to strengthen the faith of His people,(5) by shining heaven’s constant light on earth’s changing realities.(6) ‘Foretelling’ is principally God’s business, and anything that purports to originate with Him must be subject to the whole counsel of Scripture and the severe tests laid down.(7)
Divine help, instruction and guidance
God’s nature is unchanging.(8) He still communicates through the Holy Spirit as in biblical times. As the full and final revelation of God, Scripture can neither be added to nor taken away from.(9) Without the Holy Spirit we are left with only our rational minds to interpret the written word.(10) With the Holy Spirit’s help, the written Word of yesterday becomes the living Word of today, revealing everything necessary for godly life and salvation.(11)
We are instructed by God's word that we are expected to listen for, and be open to the voice of God through the Spirit (12) and the Son (13); and to avoid quenching the Spirit (14) or rejecting God's voice (15) as He speaks to us. We need to strive to "test all things" (16) and walk in the direction God gives to us (17).
1 Romans 1:2; 1Peter 1:10
2 1 Cor 15:3
3 2 Cor 3:3
4 Acts 1:8
5 1 Cor 14 :3-4
6 Heb 12:2; 2 Cor 4:18; Col 3:1
7 Deut 18:21-22; Acts 1:7
8 Mal 3:6
9 Deut 8:3; Rev 22:19
10 1 Cor 2:14
11 John 14:26
12 Rev 2:7ff
13 John 10:4
14 1 Thess 5:19
15 1 Thes 5:20, Heb 3:15, 4:7
16 1 Thess 5:21
17 Gal 5:16, 5:25
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The Editor, 30/08/2007
 | We will rebuild | Following the destruction of the Twin Towers, David Wilkerson spoke. His message resonates into our present day.
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| David Wilkerson |
 | A Most Annoying Shofar; a short story | Howard Bass, a pastor in Be'er Sheva asked those in his company what they felt the Lord was saying to the churches. He received the following reply from Hannah Weiss in the form of a short story.
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| Hannah Weiss |
Prophesy from Alex Buchanan | Alex Buchanan was, while in active ministry, a pastor, author, teacher and pastor to pastors in the UK and beyond. He gave out this prophesy in July 1975 while working with Leeds City Mission.
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A word for this hour? | In all the so-called 'prophecies' of hype, speculation, wishful thinking, where are those who accurately articulate the purposes of God?
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Mt. Carmel message | International Bible teacher Lance Lambert gave out this message during a gathering of Christian leaders on Mount Carmel in 1986.
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The Shaking | Fran Steinke has supplied the following concerning a 'shaking' which she felt the Lord speaking to her about at a 'prophetic' conference in mid-October 2014
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The Fall of Damascus | With the current high levels of instability in the Arab nations, (former Jerusalem-based) journalist David Dolan examines the situation in the light of Isaiah's prophecy concerning the destruction of Damascus.
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A Word for Great Britain | Lance Lambert, the international Bible spoke the following word in advance of the rioting and violence in the UK. We are now seeing the impact on our climate.
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Dawn or Dusk? | A 'word' received by Clifford Hill has attracted a variety of responses from Christian leaders in the UK in terms of what may lie ahead for us in the nation.
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Battle for the Nation's Soul | In the wake of last summer's riots Dennis Wrigley of the Maranatha Community speaks of the social and moral breakdown in our nation and the destruction of the family.
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A word from Lance Lambert | Lance Lambert, the international Bible teacher and speaker who lives in Jerusalem, spoke the following word of warning to the church. It is a call to 'stand in the gap' to see God's purposes revealed.
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A Jehoshaphat Mission | During a spiritual 'time out' at the end of last year Clifford Hill felt that he was receiving a fresh word from the Lord concerning the state of the nation.
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Lance Lambert update from Israel | Lance Lambert's 'most grave' update of his life; and that was before Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. Reporting from Israel he spelt out the dangers facing our world.
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The Kings of Sodom | Steve Taylor brings a word which has been 'burning within him'; and offers his thoughts and writings to the wider body leaving each believer do with it what he or she will.
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Signficant Times | Many are sensing a profound significance in these present times. Nations are losing control of their destinies; and believers surely need to discern the spiritual dynamics and be sure of where their ultimate trust lies.
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A great shaking | International Bible teacher Lance Lambert who lives in Israel has given out the following prophetic word which has been placed before international church leaders.
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James Bond, Putin and Ezekiel | The Word of God prophesies an event – still future – wheverby a coalition of nations will mount a combined military attack on Israel. Geo-political developments in the region need to viewed through the lens of Ezekiel's forecast.
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A plague on all your houses | Rev. Dr. Clifford Hill gives a summary view of the context and reaction to the General Election and the spiritual implications of what we are seeing around us in the nation and the world.
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We've Lost the Culture War | A comment from across the pond on the [lost] battle to preserve traditional Judeo-Christian values. But it's not just in America that we see these things.
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David Wilkerson's anguish | A recent message from David Wilkerson has arrived from a number of different sources, each suggesting that Wilkerson's message is worthy of a listening.
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A great flood in 2009 | There are more than a few ideas about what we can expect in this year of 2009.
In summary Steve Hill might say: Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.
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2nd Chance | Clifford Hill senses that God is calling out 40 years after the 'charismatic movement' of the 60s and giving the church a 2nd chance. Check it out.
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THE Issue of this Hour | David Wilkerson surveys the present scene in the context of what he earlier anticipated; and poses what he feels is the real issue facing Christians.
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Is God demolishing the church? | J Lee Grady has written: "The wrecking ball of heaven is swinging. It has come to demolish any work that has not been built on the integrity of His Word."
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Earthquake in the City | In 1989 a book entitled: "Earthquake in the city" was published which detailed much of what we see around us in the nation.
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The Untouchables? | Believers are urged by the Bible to "be Bereans" and to place nothing or no-one above the acid test of whether or not a teaching or practice is scriptural.
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A quart of wheat for a denarius... | The world again appears to be on the verge of a period of major food inflation. This may not be overly obvious yet but he precursors to this global development can hardly be ignored.
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The 1965 Prophecy | I am going to prepare you for the coming days by a hard path that will cause many to cry out continually unto Me. For when the going is easy men do not seek Me...
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Power, Sex and Money | The world is always very ready to attack the church; but so often the church presents the world and the media with an open goal - or score's an own goal.
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In one hour everything is going to change | The prophet Isaiah warns us that in the last days God is going to “turn the world upside down.” He declares, “Behold, the Lord maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down”(Isaiah 24:1).
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Two Winds of the Spirit | A prophecy given in 1987 regarding two winds that would blow in and through the church - the first refining and the second empowering
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The Word and The Spirit | A prophecy attributed to Smith Wigglesworth which speaks of a revival as a result of a coming together of the Word and the Spirit.
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Jean Darnall's Vision  | The Prophecy given to and spoken out by Jean Darnall is one that has stood the test of time and taken root in the hearts of many of God's people
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A Song Amidst Disaster | David Wilkerson has long since spoken about disasters coming upon America. Here he expands on this with a further message for the Christian church.
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