Christian Life 

A Word from Chris Wickland    

Following recent events in London, a pastor has spoken out a word on these things.

Ed preface: Not long after Chris Wickland posted his video on the 'horses', Intercessors for Britain also posted a video on the subject. This video has now been inserted at the foot of the original article below.
All articles of this nature are subject to discernment of the reader in accordance with the editorial policy on the subject. Although the 'horses' word has been affirmed by senior leaders in the prophetic ministry, Chris Wickland has since published a video in which he apologises for an earlier prophecy which he issued.

Horses in LondonTHE VIDEO and message released by Chris Wickland on 25 April 2024 are shown below.

This message is published in line with the editorial policy for the ChristiansTogether website and subject to the discernment of the saints under the Word of God and the Spirit of God.
2. Comments and observations can be submitted in the Response facility at the foot of the page.(For the moment the facility has 'open access' i.e. non site-members can submit and read postings.) Alternatively use e-mail to communicate your thoughts.


afsdfsdfasdf The Signs of the Times:
a word given by Chris Wickland
25th April 2024

Transcript below

Good morning Pastor Chris Wickland here. It's April the 25th 2024 and the prophecy’s called “The signs of the times”. 
I've been kind of sat on this for a couple of weeks and didn't really feel it was right to give it at the time.   But in light of what happened in London on the 24th (which was yesterday) - where we had horses running around wild - not wild.   Horses running around London and Big Ben stopping at 9.   And when it did eventually start again and it hit 10 - the bells chimed 11.   And so, as soon as I saw these things yesterday I kind of knew what this meant and this morning as I woke up I felt God say you need to add it to this word that I've been sat on to make it into a complete word  - so I'm going to share that with you now.    It is not a nice word it's, it's quite a hard word,  uh because of the seriousness of the hour of the day.
>>>Word as expressed>>>
The main scripture is Daniel 5 25-28 which reads MENE, MENE, TEKEL, PARSIN and these words mean:  MENE - God has numbered the days of your reign and put an end to it.   TEKEL - you have been weighed on the scales and found wanting.  PARSIN - your kingdom has been divided and given to the Medes and Persians.  
>>> Word as expressed>>>>

My church, who has bewitched you?  Can you not see the writing on the wall?  Can you not read the signs of the times?  What has happened to you to you?   How did you fall and become like Laodocia ?  You claim to have eyes that see yet you are utterly blind.   Surely you know that a red sky at night means a good day to follow?   It seems you cannot even read the natural signs anymore? What has become of you my people? Why have you closed your ears and your eyes? 

I am speaking to you, my Church, all over the world .  I'm putting signs in the heavens and upon the Earth - yet you are not seeing them.  You laugh and scoff at the very signs I give to you.   What is wrong with you?  How did you become so callous of heart my people? Who has bewitched you so that you cannot see the wood for the trees?   The writing is on the wall Church.   The writing is on the wall - but you're not seeing it.   You're not reading it.  You're not paying attention to it.   Why do you not want to hear My voice anymore?  Why do you filter and pasteurise My prophetic word to you?  Why do you edit, cut and filter it?

You are living in very dark days and you are oblivious to what's going on around you.  You are supposed to be the Church - the light in the darkness - the solution to the problem.  Instead - you've become the problem.  You have embraced darkness and you've become politicised instead of representing My Kingdom.   You look at the world through worldly, darkened eyes.   You've embraced the folly of the world and see it as truth.  

You see the signs and blame it on the environment.   Are you utterly blind?   Are you completely without sense and intelligence?  What is wrong with you My People?   Come out of her, My People.   Come out of her; for if you do not,  you will be taken up in the judgments that I'm about to bring upon Babylon in this hour.  

You need to wake up.   You are in grave danger and will be swept away with the world if you do not separate yourself from her, and her doctrines, and her teachings.  You've taken my gospel and mixed it with the new traditions of man and have denied My power thereof.  You have bowed to the knee to Baal.   You have bowed the knee to the kingdom of Babylon.   You have become worse than Laodicea.   You have become so worldly, and carnal, you're have no Heavenly and spiritual use to me.   You are so close to the end of days that you need to wake up.  

Wake up, oh Sleeper.   Arise and wake up.   Yet even as you hear these words - some of you mock, and scoff, that such things cannot be.   The wickedness upon the Earth is now so great and my people are so asleep.  At the time when My Church should be praying, and on her knees begging for My mercy to fall on your nations - you're too busy snoring and entertaining yourselves. 

In Britain, Big Ben stopped. The clock of the nation froze - and at the hour of 10, the tolls of the bell rang 11 times.   This is a sign to you Britain.   You think you're in the 10th hour.   You feel you have much time left, however, the reality is that it is in fact the 11th Hour - not the 10th.   I cannot stress the urgency to you my people.  Horses ran wild causing total mayhem in your capital city.   This is a symbol of what is to come.  

The horses represent war, famine, plague and pestilence. These things will cause mayhem to your nation. I cannot stress to you the brevity of this word My Church I have warned you, and warned you, but you have not listened.   You are busy about your own affairs - building your own houses and panels of cedar, whilst my house lies in ruins and disrepair.

This nation has now less than one year.   I will give you many signs and wonders that will be put on your mainstream media.   You will see lots of strange events that seem random, and peculiarly odd, that will be reported on the news. There will be signs in the heavens and signs on the Earth. 

Why am I going to do this?   Because you've not listened to those whom I sent. You've not listened to the whisperings of my Holy Spirit.  It seems many of you can only see through the lens of the media - so this is what I will use to perplex you, and unsettle you, and maybe it will be enough to wake some of you up. 

Tick tock, tick tock.   Watch the prophetic clock.   You are so close to the end of days, you need to wake up.   Time is running down.   Time is running out.   Do not be swept away with the judgments that are to come. You're supposed to be of a Kingdom that cannot be shaken - but if you do not awake you will be taken in the judgments with this nation.

Finally, I am testing your hearts.  I am sifting you right now.   Some are in the balance – others have taken their stance. Watch Israel.  Watch her closely.  She is a sign to the nations, a rock of offence to many.  She is the chief prophetic cornerstone which My Church has rejected.   Why have you rejected her when I have not?  Many are being held in the scales and many are found to be greatly wanting in My Church.

MENE, MENE, TEKEL, PARSIN and these words mean:  MENE - God has numbered the days of your reign and put an end to it. TEKEL - you have been weighed on the scales and found wanting. PARSIN - your kingdom has been divided and given to the Medes and Persians.

Ed. footnote: Philip Wren of Trumpet Sounds has included an appended link to his comment (29/04 - 12.29). I copy it here as it is an article worthy of consideration.


Chris Wickland, 27/04/2024

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Ruth Ferguson 29/04/2024 08:28
Totally agree with the above comments. When I asked the Lord if this was from Him, I felt that the response was that the ‘prophecy’ lacked the redemptive element. Even when the nation of Israel went completely off the rails and God warned them of judgement, it was always tempered with a promise of restoration. Also there was hardly a mention of repentance. Surely the Lord would call His Church to repent for her sins and the sins of the nation. There is the promise of 2 Chronicles 7:14 and the cry of James 2:13: ‘Let mercy triumph over judgement!’ Thank God that there are many believers across the UK today who are standing in the gap and interceding for our country.
(Guest) 29/04/2024 11:56
On the same day, (28th April), Saturday, thousands of Iran backed Hamas supporters were marching in our capital city, having bussed in coach loads from around the country, to boost their numbers, while the Met Police banned the pro-Israel rally of Jews and Christians that was to take place at the same time. The pro-Israel supporters who bravely stayed in central London, were coralled into a small enclosure, and threatened with arrest if any moved out of it, while the thousands of Islamists and leftists chanting anti-Israel slogans were given free rein. To my mind, the issue of the two military horses on the loose were small fry in comparison, to what is spiritually happening in our nation. The Church needs to repent of the anti-Semitism of Replacement Theology, and to start blessing and praying for Israel, and also to be more focused on sharing the Gospel with the lost, the latter was not mentioned in this “prophetic word”. In Matthew 16:18, Jesus said that He would build His Church, and that “the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it”. When CW applies the Daniel 5 scripture, and says that “your kingdom is divided”, to the Church, it is in direct contradiction to the words of our Saviour, in Matthew 16:18, the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ, and His Body, the Church shall stand for ever, and Satan shall not succeed in dividing it or putting it to an end, try as he might to do it. While much of the Church is not praying for Israel, I am learning of more and more local and online groups that are praying for Israel around our nation. Praise the Lord!
Philip Wren 29/04/2024 12:39
In a similar way a Few months ago I wrote in my quarterly news letter warning of the plague, war and famine which are coming. But also also of the protection over those who bear the seal of God . To read further use this link:
Pearline Clark 29/04/2024 14:45
I was troubled over this "prophecy" as I prayerfully went over my notes and agree with Ruth's comments above. In my QT, I accidentally turned to Ezekiel 13:7, instead of 3:7, and read: "Have you not seen false visions and uttered lying divinations when you say'The Lord declares', though I have not spoken?" And read on.... I do agree with at least one part of this "prophecy": the church is asleep and needs to wake up!
Editor 29/04/2024 16:15
Comment from G by e-mail.

Prophecy by Pastor Wickland.

In a recent and previous prophecy I read from this man, I seemed to be shown that a Scriptural meaning was applied inappropriately.

On checking my thoughts with other mature believers, they confirmed the error.

One person whom I checked it with, then checked it out with his leader, who has a national zoom platform and hosted CW to speak on that platform.
The leader agreed with what we were checking out and our thoughts on it, but added, this man has recently said 'my prophesies don't need testing'. And a warning given to be wary of this man.

To me personally the Lord is saying we are under judgement - but that He is wanting us to be Ready and Prepared to reach out and to minister help, rescuing, in love, to those presently deceived and lost, both believers and unbelievers.

This Preparation aspect has become so vivid to me that it can't be missed.
Many ways to Prepare in.
And, the Lord is confirming this in practical ways and actual situations locally.

I believe God is working a Redemptive Judgement.

The church needs to hear the way forward and of encouragement, and direction, etc, that God is giving.

Other things I've been made aware of, locally, causes me to be wary of this man's ministry in the prophetic.

Mixture within prophecy, of truth and not so true, Spirit and flesh, humility and pride, is what causes deception.
And some are unable to rightly divide.

Some gravitate according to their personal leanings - Judgement, harshness - or grace and maybe compromise, etc.

So, hesitatingly I close be saying, be careful, wise, and waiting upon the Lord in these things.

April (Guest) 29/04/2024 22:29
thank you Grace for filling us in.

Editor 30/04/2024 10:20
Prophecy Today have also published this word from Chris Wickland -

See -

There are responses on the PT site also.
Simon Grimshaw 02/05/2024 09:52
Is anybody aware of Chris' previous prophetic words and whether or not they have come into fulfilment? There was a 'word' from Chris last year about revival coming to the UK but within this 'word' there was no reference to repentance. this was challenged by Nick Franks
Biblically, the Word of God never fails - so for me, I'll heed the warnings and wait to see if the word comes into fulfilment in the next year.
Editor 10/05/2024 20:02
I haven't tracked Chris' speakings but did come across one some time ago which I couldn't relate to. However I could (and I'm sure others could) mention some very well known names in the 'prophetic' community who have prophesied (and still do) events which have not happened. The problem being is that there was often an elapse of time between the speaking and the projected event which meant that the error was never spotted.

Whilst 'character' and 'track record' are both very important, it is equally important to remember that if God wants to say something it will inevitably be delivered by fallen flesh. We remember also that God spoke through Balaam's ass.
As I understand it the witness (or not) is delivered to the each individual as to the validity and accuracy if anything and everything.
Deborah 28/05/2024 01:25
I'm glad that others here recognised that CW is a false prophet according to Biblical guidelines - the very clear Word of God.
He has got it wrong. Several times. This absolutely negates him calling himself a Prophet of God. 
For example on 21st July 2022 he stated and repeated it clearly, that God was going to reduce Stonewall to dust by Autumn of that year. I wrote to him about this a few days ago and he has now done the right thing and stood down from the ministry of 'prophet' - which is truly encouraging. 
May The Lord bless him for setting an example - although his 'followers' don't agree with him doing this... 
But THAT is a sign of the times! 
On other issues,  he vacillates between speaking revival and warnings to the Church - the latter being in line with what God IS saying to His Body. 
What makes it worse is that he speaks in the First Person using colloquial language that does not allow for error, and just listening to his word regarding the runaway horses filled me with horror. There was an ELEMENT of truth in the mix, but there was no HOLY Spirit 
And there's the rub. 
As another saved sinner with feet of clay,  I write only in the love and service of The One Who died for us, thanking Him for Chris Wickland taking me seriously (and I'm sure there must have been others who contacted him) and for him humbling himself in this way. 
May He know God's shalom in the midst. 
And may The Body of Christ truly wake up... and start discerning what is of Him - and what isn't. 

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Christians Together in the Highlands and Islands > Christian Life > Is there any word from the Lord? > A Word from Chris Wickland