A 'word' from an Inverness believer
Roddy Lightbody, a Highand believer, passes on what he feels He has received recently from the Lord as a word to God's people.
Foreword: Christians Together receives a wide variety of communications from sources, local, national and international. The following has been received from Mr. Roddy Lightbody who is a member of an Inverness Church of Scotland congregation. The writer has sent it in a humble and gracious spirit and it is now published in the context of the Christians Together policy regarding prophecy.
Roddy has written:
For several years now I have been aware both in my Christian life and as personal experience of the gift of prophecy. Either I have been suffering from delusions as the result of an over-active imagination or I have been blessed by My Lord and allowed to see through the delusion that we sometimes call reality. Up until lately my ‘knowings’ have been in relation to the particular needs of individuals at a personal level and in a sense could be called a ministry, but now I am becoming increasingly aware of the global extent and advanced state of the apostasy.
I have the distinct impression that we seem to think we have the ability to change the course of the world by our local endeavours. Alas: were it so simple. The world is already a fallen one and it is our duty to ensure that our brothers and sisters in the Lord are not sucked any further into the maelstrom.
I have attached a revelation that I was blessed with recently that I think will be of interest. And we see that the Lord tells us not to be afraid of what is to come but instead to be glad – and in this I rejoice. I do not profess any great knowledge or eloquence but have a burning desire for Truth; and it is in this context that I write. -----------------
BEWARE the great deception when the leaders of once proud nations rise up and preach peace and harmony through unity and equality, unaware as they are that they serve the purposes of the evil one. Judgement will not pass them by, alas judgement has already come upon them through the preaching of greed and selfishness; they now seek to 'enlighten' the world with the illusion of democracy and rights. Democracy is the servant of both good and evil as it serves the will of the people. But alas if the will of a people without righteous leadership and example is the service of ego and self, then the world will lie ready for the unrighteous one. No one upon the earth has the right to anything save that which is given through the Grace and Love of The Creator. All you should desire is the right to worship and love The Holy One in whom all your needs will be met through faith.The world is being prepared for The Evil One through the deception that there is no God and no Satan – that the desires and rights of the individual are paramount and will be provided within a benevolent global society. Only when the world has exhausted its love of self will the true nature of The Beast be revealed. The needs of the soul are more important than the desires of the body.
Many of you have lost sight of the spiritual battle that rages and explain many of the ills of the world as human failings, such suffering as you see around you is indeed the result of human weakness. The power of Satan in this world is great but without human weakness Satan is powerless.
Do not be afraid or confused at what lies ahead as all has been foretold and written of by many prophets and seers throughout the ages who spoke of what they had seen. Blessed are they that have the name of The Lamb on their lips as they shall be given eyes to see that which is right before God and should glad.
Do not look upon your brothers in judgment but with compassion and love as the seeds they sow will soon bring forth their harvest of grief. The land wherein Jesus walked will run with the blood of brothers as hatred brings its own reward.
Only when the Face of God is revealed unto to the chosen ones of God will love and forgiveness for their brothers be found through bitter tears. Likewise will the children of the false prophet be shown the Lamb – and fall down and worship Him.
To His name be all honour and glory.
Roddy Lightbody
May 2009
Christians Together, 02/05/2009