David Wilkerson's latest messages in question?
Is Jacob Prasch right on this occasion?
Editorial preface:
Many Christians have followed Jacob Prasch; some still do. To this degree some (much) of what he might say is true. However Scripture tells us that we should judge by others by not just what they say but by how they behave - their 'fruits'. To this degree many of his previous followers have 'fled the camp' over the matter of how JP treats those with whom he disagrees.
David Wilkerson (of Times Square Church and the Cross and the Switchblade) is a highly regarded Bible teacher and Christian leader. And he speaks with searing clarity and forthright challenge. He has just released two messages which pick up on earlier themes of forthcoming urban chaos.
The 'Urgent Message' (7 March, 2009) has been followed by 'A Further Word' (9 March, 2009).
Pastor Wiley Drake, a past vice president of the Southern Baptist Convention is hoping believers pay attention to Wilkerson's message.
"I have known David Wilkerson for more than 25 years as well as many of his friends and associates," said Drake. "He is a godly man and I believe he is listening to God. I encourage each Christian to read and heed what God is saying through our brother."
However others are not so sure and are questioning whether what he is saying is 'from the Lord'.
Jacob Prasch of Moriel Ministries is also a Biblically-literate and diligent observer of the times; and he has commented as below. It needs to be said that Prasch is well-known as having a very polemic (even harsh) style. However this does not necessarily invalidate the things he says. He has written:

The complication [regarding Wilkerson's message of 7 March, 2009] is that although having some additions, it is not new but reiterates one made in 1992 when he said it would be "soon" 17 years ago and is confusing in that it urges 30 days emergency food supply be kept on hand, but stating he has no idea of when.
The latest version of Mr. Wilkerson's prophetic prediction:
An earth-shattering calamity is about to happen," he writes. "It is going to be so frightening, we are all going to tremble - even the godliest among us." Wilkerson's vision is of fires raging through New York City. "It will engulf the whole megaplex, including areas of New Jersey and Connecticut. Major cities all across America will experience riots and blazing fires - such as we saw in Watts, Los Angeles, years ago," he explains. "There will be riots and fires in cities worldwide. There will be looting - including Times Square, New York City. What we are experiencing now is not a recession, not even a depression. We are under God's wrath. In Psalm 11 it is written, "If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?" (WorldNetDaily)
The Original version of Mr. Wilkerson's prophecy - Sept 7, 1992:
"I have had recurring visions of over 1,000 fires burning at one time here in New York City. I am convinced race riots will soon explode! New York City is right now a powder keg-ready to blow!...federal and State Welfare cutbacks will be the spark that ignites the fuse. Next year, New York City could have over 100,000 angry men on the streets, enraged because they have been cut off from benefits.... Federal troops will have to move in to restore order. New York City will have tanks running down its avenues.... Churches will be closed for a season because it will be too dangerous to travel about. Fires will rage everywhere."
Many prophetic voices from multiple quarters have been directed by The Holy Spirit to alert The Body of Christ of divine judgment coming on the planet generally, including on the utterly backslidden Protestant Democracies not excluding the USA due to the genocidal proportions of non therapeutic abortion. Britain and Europe however are even more post Judeo Christian and Neo Pagan than the USA, and incipient persecution of the true church and growing anti Semitism and anti Zionism, (both factors in divine judgment) are more acute. More importantly, scripture foretells a coming judgment of God on the Moslem world and unbelieving Israel is bound for 'The Time of Jacob's Trouble'.
We certainly do not deny David Wilkerson's good intentions, nor can we deny that God has spoken through him in the past in the prophetic realm with accuracy. Additionally, Hebrew prophets like Jeremiah, Joel and Isaiah warned of judgments decades before they transpired.
There are however concerns that lead us to urge caution in testing Mr. Wilkerson's predictions as we commanded to test prophecy in 1 Corinthians 14, and we are warned of those predicting things in a time specific manner that fail to transpire in Deuteronomy 18 & Jeremiah 28 where we have a list of biblically proven false prophets such as Paul Cain, Rick Joyner, Benny Hinn, Cindy Jacobs, Pat Robertson, and Kenneth Copeland.
In fairness, Mr. Wilkerson set no date, but the question automatically arises:
* "Why then are 30 days food specified"?
* Also, how soon was soon in 1992?
Had Mr. Wilkerson said 'soon' and then said to store up 30 days food supply, it would make sense. Instead, his latest prediction states flatly he has no time frame and does not say "soon" as he did with the same prediction in 1992.
Biblical prophets gave clear signals. Store up 30 days food supply from when? Surely there must be clarification if this is from God.
Mr. Wilkerson discredited himself and his ministry in his shameful and stupid visit several years ago to the UK, and this has made many British Christians who had admired him in times past skeptical, not of his integrity, but of his credibility.
After denouncing the kind of 'laughing & drunken' counterfeit revivals associated with the Pensacola and Toronto fiascoes in his excellent recording "Reproach On The Solemn Assembly", in a direct, and some would say hypocritical contradiction of his own warnings, Mr. Wilkerson rejected solid warnings and accepted a number of engagements to speak many of the most lunatic fringe churches that continued promoting these very deceptions. One church he spoke at in The English Midlands promoted Benny Hinn only one month later.
Mr. Wilkerson then began defending the wolves in sheep's clothing and criticized their opponents who warned the sheep from them. Mr. Wilkerson then went to London to a church that followed the Toronto Experience and Paul Cain (the confessed homosexual and alcoholic false prophet and mentor of Todd Bentley) to deliver one of the most utterly ridiculous, completely irresponsible, and totally unbiblical teachings imaginable.
With no regard to the exegetical context, Mr. Wilkerson invented the unbiblical doctrine of 'feeding Jesus' (Jesus Himself said that His food is to do the will of The One who sent Him) and essentially mindlessly blabbed out a line of biblically un-founded rubbish in its purest form.
We are warned not to sharply rebuke an older man, and we do not wish to. However, his teaching was a barrage of silly unscriptural junk not supported by the cited text in context and not of God. This however was the prelude to his supreme betrayal of those who trusted him.
Mr. Wilkerson spoke of being on the ground laughing unable to get up because God's Hand was on him. The Fruit of The Spirit is 'Self Control' (ekreitei) not the lack if it. The fact that he 'could not get up' proves it was not God's Hand that was upon him. The Word of God teaches the very antithesis.
For a respected brother of his stature to preach one thing but do the very thing he preached against was a colossal act of hypocrisy. It was a huge let down. It would have been better had he never come to Great Britain. His visit has had no enduring positive impact. Ever since Mr. Wilkerson's indefensible antics in Britain, we have not been able to trust him or respect his judgment or discernment to the degree we once did. We do not attack his integrity but we simply cannot exercise the confidence in him in The Lord we so much did at one time.
Again, he is a man of God but none of us is perfect. He may be right but the prophecy is so nebulous how can we know? Why does he say something 17 years ago saying it would be soon, but now say store up 30 days provision yet saying he does not know for when? It is very unclear and the source of the prophecy no longer commands the credibility that he once did.
His nonsense in Britain was an idiotic disgrace. We just do not know if he is any longer reliable or not. Yet, we are not against him personally and we again recognize that God has indeed used him including prophetically. Our simple advice is to weigh his warning carefully. We want God to bless David Wilkerson and we still esteem his overall legacy. However, in the UK he sadly tainted it.
Having said that, without any reference to David Wilkerson, the scriptures generally point to a global crisis socially, economically, strategically, and politically with a coming chaos heralding the wrath of God. Many godly Christians likewise echo similar warnings. God's judgment is coming and to a degree has already come. This no bible based praying Christian can possibly deny.
In Jesus,
Jacob Prasch
Ed Footnote:
At times of national or international tension or when the prospect of calamity looms, more than a few 'prophetic' voices have issued 'advice' about storing food and supplies, escaping from cities, avoiding travel, etc.
However whilst the advice might be well-meaning and - in secular terms - even wise, it does not always chime with the trust that Christians are called to exercise, or the sacrificial giving when we see another in need. To this degree any suggestions of hoarding rations must be questioned. Joseph may have accumulated stocks in Egypt, but this was not done with selfish intent: quite the opposite.
As one (non-Christian) pundit remarked: "You had better add a machine gun to your shopping list of rations. You'll need it to keep your neighbours at bay."
Check everything out!
Christians Together, 17/03/2009
rs (Guest) |
18/02/2013 21:21 |
he always was a phoney. In the mid 70's while searching my way to the Lord I realized as a teenager,that his pentecostal emissaries had no real holy spirit power or foundation. He was deceived. I got saved properly some years later. I always knew that pentecostalism was garbage and not the real thing. Wilkerson will rot in the hell he talks about so much.
guest (Guest) |
18/02/2013 22:50 |
hey man properly saved not much love in your comments Britain was not ready for this wonderful man of God with his pentecostal experience I say bring it on
Guest (Guest) |
19/02/2013 11:48 |
Ed bit of double standards here Is it ok to call this man of God a phoney ? Pentecostalism garbage ?
Editor |
19/02/2013 12:04 |
The use of the word 'phoney' and 'garbage' is not appropriate. And neither term can be applied - in an all-embracing sense - to either David Wilkerson and/or Pentecostalism.
That of course does not mean that any man or woman or denominations is beyond question or in a state of sinless perfection.
However the application of a blanket condemnation reveals more about the person making it than the person or thing which is being criticised.
Colin Ford (Guest) |
14/08/2013 15:06 |
Not that I believe it is anything of the sort! But there is a website called soundchristian.com where they evaluate all the "Great&good,&bad" prophecy teachers of times gone by, and today; "WHO'S WHO IN BIBLE PROPHECY" Now, according to this website, David Wilkerson was a "SIGNIFICANT FALSE PROPHET", not my words; theirs. Now soundchristian.com IS a pre trib website, heavily influenced by Dispensationalism, so clearly I don't agree with everything they say, as I believe pre tribulationism is certainly NOT Biblical, a product of Dispensational theology. In fact, I would reverse nearly all their +/-'s but then we have the SDA's, Hebrew Roots Movement etc, which doesn't make the whole picture "black and white". But going back to this thread; until a few weeks ago Jacob Prasch was rated positive (even though he was never pre trib), but subsequently, especially calling pre tribulationism dangerous and erroneous in his book "Shadows Of The Beast", he has now been re rated "minus"! Jacob Prasch is clearly his own man, and in many ways a good Bible expositor, despite being Pentecostal! Though some of his teaching, especially with regards to the Jewish fables/angels are certainly not good. So we shouldn't call this movement "garbage", even though there is MUCH error within it, the folk within do tend to be much more "aggressive" when it comes to evangelising. I think the Conference movement will be showing him the door now. You should read his latest somewhat cringeful statement on Moriels website in this regard...
David L. Zipf (Guest) |
02/01/2014 05:30 |
I have read David Wilkerson's letters and books for many, many years; in all of them, no matter how bad the circumstances of the future he visions, he always pleads with the Christian to remain true and for the non-Christian to accept Christ, to be forgiven for their sins ... he continually witnessed for the Lord ... he never profited from his books, etc, like so many of his contemporaries ... he lived modestly and gracefully, full of love for Jesus ... how can anyone claiming to be a Christian fault this man?
The fruit of his life was good ... isn't that the gauge we should apply? How many lives did he impact in a positive manner? My humble perspective is that until we surpass him on the "goodness scale" (perhaps stating doing more positive things for the Lord would be better) we should not criticise but applaud him for a life dedicated to serving God ... I don't know about you or Mr Prasch, but I can't come anywhere close to serving God as he did ... wow ... live a life such as he did and receive such negative criticism from his so called peers? No wonder non-Christians look at Christians with such distaste ... we eat our own! I'm very sure that even though many of the negative comments would have sadden him, he would have forgiven each and everyone. Mr Prasch on one hand praises Mr Wilkerson while beating him up with the other; what kind of Christianity is that? I don't know where I will stand in the Lord's Army or in Heaven but I am sure it will be behind David Wilkerson by a good distance. I am thankful for his labor and love for our Lord; perhaps we should all just be glad that he was so successful in fighting Satan rather than failing to do so. Perhaps we should heed his words and follow his advice ... in the least we should not pick the flesh off of his Christian bones ... not worthy of us to do so. Thank you ... in the Love that Christ tells us to have for one another...
Moriel Administrator (Guest) |
04/02/2014 19:57 |
Jesus commended churches like Ephesus in Rev. Chaot. 2 but quickly castigated their misdeeds. He lauded Peter in Matt.26 and immediately afterward rebued him in the strongest terms. Mr. Zipf's comments are thus not in agreement with God's Word.
There is no doubt God has used David Wilkerson whom as Jacob Prasch said loved The Lord and often spoke with prophetic accuracy. There is also no doubt however that David Wilkerson behaved very unwisely indeed in Great Britain and the 30 days if food supply prophetic warnings that were not date specific was irresponsible.
Hence, with respect, Mr. Zipf is not dealing with the issues or making any scriptural sense.
Thomas L. (Guest) |
05/02/2014 21:16 |
After reading this article it is safe to say that if we as Christians do not keep our oil lamps full, and keep our eyes on Jesus, deception for lack of discernment is always at the door. Be continually filled with the spirit as you obey the truth of God's word. It is spirit and truth mutually which we need to stand in this perverse and wicked generation. May we all walk in the simplicity of the gospel of Jesus Christ as we long for His return. Jesus is truth! Shalom
Editor |
06/02/2014 10:12 |
As an interesting 'aside' on the metaphor of 'oil in lamps'. I once asked an Israeli shopkeeper how long a particular lamp would burn when first filled with oil.
Her reply? "It depends on the quality of the oil."
To reiterate Thomas L's useful contribution: "Be continually filled with the spirit as you obey the truth of God's word. It is spirit and truth mutually which we need to stand in this perverse and wicked generation."
(Guest) |
13/02/2014 13:57 |
Colin Ford, I'm using this thread to respond - because I've been excluded from contributing to the thread on which you posted your appreciation of the book which I recommended. It truly is a blessing to be used as a means through which God can bless a brother in Christ.