Spiritually, what's happening in our world?

Rev. Dr. J.B. Hixson speaking to an online audience regarding the significant developments in our world since the Covid pandemic of 2020.
Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain?
The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together against the LORD and against his Anointed One.
"Let us break their chains," they say, "and throw off their fetters." (Psalm 2:1-3)

AMERICAN pastor and author Rev. Dr. J.B. Hixon has been speaking to an online audience of member and friends of the ChristiansTogether website. The subject matter ranged over a wide spectrum of issues which have impacted our world since 2020 and touched on issues which are still unfolding. The meeting concluded with a QnA Session.
Spirit of the False ProphetIn the course of the discussion, J.B. (as he is most-commonly known) mentioned some of this recent books including 'Spirit of the False Prophet' as a follow-through from two earlier companion books (Spirit of the AntiChrist Vols. 1 & 2). In the former he writes:
"The stage is being set for global tyranny in previously unimaginable ways. Yesterday’s science fiction stories have become today’s headlines as technological advancements provide powerful new tools in the Luciferian arsenal. Thanks to stunning developments in the realm of artificial intelligence, a full spectrum planetary control grid is now well within reach for Satan’s earthly co-conspirators.

The two-volume series, Spirit of the Antichrist, exposed various ways Satan’s accomplices are pulling the strings of world affairs and building an empire cloaked in deception, setting the stage for the arrival of the Antichrist. Spirit of the False Prophet continues the investigation into the Luciferian Conspiracy by digging deeper into the role of the Antichrist's henchman, the False Prophet. How will AI, biometric surveillance, digital currency, and a global ID system pave the way for the coming global technocracy and the mark of the Beast?"

In the course of the address J.B. outlines how the archenemy of God is using human elements to usurp God's dominion and establish a global control. He observes that even unbelievers are starting to wake up to the fact that a malevolent higher power is at work in our world, and yet how many good folk are still struggling to accept that those in public office are working against the welfare of the those whom they are meant to protect.

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Note: The Pre-Trib Rapture position held by Rev. Hixson is disputed; and each believer is encouraged to 'test all things' (1 Thess. 5:21). See here and here for alternative views on the pre/post-trib question.

MEANWHILE Victor Davis Hanson a hightly-regarded military historian has recently published a book entitled: "The End of Everything". In it the Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution speaks of how empires can collapse suddenly. In the interview below he speaks specifically about the existential threats facing the United States of America.

Both Hixson and Hanson bring very interesting perspectives on the ways in which our world and the USA in particular is headed. The interview covers "the betrayal of Israel by the Biden administration" and through it could America be headed for collapse" and how do empires rise and fall.

The Editor, 31/05/2024

(Guest) 03/06/2024 16:57
Hi to Everyone
As I am sure many of Colin's subscribers realise, we live in perilous times when truth and lies, good and evil, illusion and reality are questioned at every turn. This is why I initially entitled my website, my early writings and my latest Substack articles ILLUSION2REALITY. It seems all too clear that the world is moving from previously hidden illusions about how life works to the reality of the times. It is why many people, including Christians, are asking: ‘What is happening worldwide today?

But why would any Bible-believing Christian be surprised?

Jesus told us that such things must occur before He returns to earth in power and glory. He told us very clearly that many would fall away from the faith in the last of the last days. The Bible clearly tells us in the gospel of John chapter 8, verse 44 that we have an enemy called Satan who will lie, deceive and murder; ’He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he tells a lie, he speaks from his own nature because he is a liar and the father of lies
So why do so many Christians not realise what is happening today right under our noses? After all, we are told in scripture who Satan is and that ‘that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one’ (1 John 5:19)

So, I ask once again: Why the surprise?

During my many years of research, it has become clear that the whole world was being deceived into believing that the illusions about how life works are actually reality. But, thank God that in the days we are now living, some are beginning to wake up to expose the lies and perceptions of our times, and, as a result, more people are seeing through the deception. The problem for me is that so many of those waking up are not people of faith, whereas those who purport to be people of faith are being deceived. This tells me that something is seriously wrong with the church of Jesus Christ in our time.

I used the phrase ‘ILLUSION2REALITY’ to describe what I believed would happen as we became enveloped by the sheer power of deception in the last of the days before Jesus returned to earth that he warned would happen in Matthew 24. It is why we all need to be engaged in the journey from illusion to reality, but it seems few churches or church leaders are preparing their people or even speaking about the signs of the times.

This raises so many issues, but for now, I would particularly like to focus on how such deception will affect new young (in the faith) Christians and their ability to stand firm when all else around them descends into lies and falsehood.

I do want to say that I believe that the local church was ordained by God for believers to hear the Word of God where they could grow as Christians into Bible-believing, Spirit-filled people in fellowship together, thereby forming a deep union with God and able to see the signs of the times, as commanded by Jesus. But where are the churches? It has become abundantly clear that much of the church has succumbed to great deception and is in danger of ‘Falling Way’, also described by Jesus in Matthew 24 and other places.

There are numerous reasons for this, but the use of language and the change in the meaning of words are major factors in deception. In this response to Colin’s article and the very useful evening spent with JB Hixson, I will resist the temptation to stray too far.

For now, I would like to pose the question. In a clear glass of drinkable water, we are informed that it would only take approximately 100 to 300 milligrams of arsenic added to the glass to kill someone. This raises the question: How will this affect them if we do not receive pure truth from those responsible for revealing the whole truth of the Gospel of Christ?

When I read JB Hixon’s book entitled ‘ The Great Last Days Deception’, I was very impressed with his honesty and ability to write about complicated matters relating to the signs of the times. I felt that the book might be ideal for new Christians to read to help them begin to determine truth from lies. However, when I came to the pages where he describes the passage in the book of 2 Thessalonians chapter 2, which states that in the last days, there will be a great falling away (the word used is Apostasia), I was a bit gasp! In a study of the Greek word used, it becomes clear that this refers to people of faith no longer accepting the word of God as the truth and falling away from the truth, which Jesus made clear would happen.

In his book, JB writes that he believes 2 Thessalonians 2 provides the clearest and strongest text for a pre-tribulation rapture of the church, which is the escape by Christians through a supernatural act of God. In this way, we would avoid the worst times coming over the church. I personally feel that this change in the meaning of words from God would cause me to place a caveat on the book before giving it to anyone.

After all, to change The Word of God and use ‘apostasy’ to mean the ‘rapture’ of the church is, I believe, thoroughly dangerous and would likely lead new Christians to have wrong expectations about the end days that would make them totally vulnerable and unprepared for what Jesus told us would come over the church. How will Christians be able to stand firm in a postmodern society that does not believe in absolutes or truth?

It is true that over the years, we have had many great Bible teachers and preachers who know the truth that sets men free and who have played a powerful role in helping New Christians mature as they were taught pure Biblical words like ‘propitiation’ and ‘redemption’ as the real meaning of ‘sin’ and repentance - but, are they?

JB Hixon has written some great stuff, and the video with him discussing the signs of times was very helpful in many ways. One gets the impression that he is a dedicated follower of Jesus Christ and a man who speaks the truth. However, to teach Christians that they will escape the time we are heading for that Jesus outlined by changing the meaning of the word ‘Apostasia’ to the ‘Rapture’ is dangerous. If this had been God’s intention, he would have used the word ‘harpazo’, which means ‘snatching away as if by force’, and not ‘Apostasia’. Jesus told us that the coming times will be unlike anything the world has experienced before or will again.

My take on his interpretation is that it is likely to be setting up Christians to the powerful delusion that God said he would send up all those who refuse to believe the truth.

‘For this reason, God will send upon them a powerful deluding influence so that they will believe what is false’ (2 Thessalonians 2:11)

Graham Bridger

Ed note: An article by Rev. Tony Higton is available on the site. Tony was originally pre-trib but came to a different (post-trib) view.

Editor 04/06/2024 11:35
Ed note: Please note that the discussion on the timing of the Rapture is now taking place on a article more relevant to that topic. Accordingly Graham Bridger's post has been copied over there and this discussion thread is now closed.

For ongoing discussion see - https://christianstogether.net/Articles/686227/The_Timing_of.aspx

NOTICE: - The 'Response' facility on most articles is restricted to CT site members. Site members should login here. Comments/questions from non-site members should be sent to the Editor by e-mail.

Christians Together in the Highlands and Islands > Survival Kit > Spiritually, what's happening in our world?