
Creation Ministries International events

Creation Ministries International are holding two events in the Highlands at the beginning of March. One of these meetings is scheduled for Inverness; the other for Dornoch.

Creation Ministries1Creation Ministries International its own speaking staff whose role it is to go out to where the people are and reach them with the message of the truth and authority of the Bible, and its relevance to the real world. CMI have found that an extremely effective way to get this message out into the population in general, and thus to increase the number of people getting converted, etc. is to arm and equip Christians.

The CMI website states that its aim regarding those who attend their meetings  is to -

  • give them answers to the common objections and queries people have on these issues, which are some of the most frequent objections to faith in Christ.
  • show them how the Bible (and in particular its broad outline of history in Genesis, which is foundational to the gospel) is relevant to all of reality.
  • provide them with resources (books, magazine, DVDs, etc) to be more effective in their own personal outreach. The most powerful tool, we find, is to ‘link’ people to be ‘fed’ via Creation magazine, the 56-page full-colour no-advertising family publication that is an incredible faith-building and witnessing tool. People who subscribe are automatically eligible to get our various printed newsletters as well, which provide further encouragement and information about what the ministry is doing.

The meetings in the Highlands are as follows:


Greyfriars and Stratherrick Free Church of Scotland
Balloan Road, Inverness, IV2 1EY
Thursday, 3 March 2011

Tel. Tel. 0143 714932



Dornoch Academy,
Evelix Road, Dornoch, Sutherland, IV25 3HR
Friday, 4 March 2011
at 7.30pm

Tel. 01408 621459

These are public meetings to which all who are interested are wamly invited.

 Greyfriars Free Church, Inverness 

 Dornoch Academy 

Christians Together, 24/02/2011

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Martin Lisemore 28/02/2011 13:18
Gordon, that's been my point entirely.

My own feet are in the Creationist camp, and have never been anywhere else. Having once tasted how good the Lord is, the issue of how did the earth come into being is really quite small to me.

'Could it be that it is a device of the enemy of God to have so much time spent on debate on this issue?'

That's my other point. OK, this is a forum for Christians, and others, to air their views, discuss issues and or learn from one another. It's gets heated sometimes,but mostly friendly and accepting of each others views. But it's not a great vacuum for resources, time or money.

This Creationist/Evolutionist thing is now far from friendly and acknowledging other people are free to hold different views. It's the latest in a very long stream of arguments within the church. Divisive, hateful at times, and diverting us from the real work of every Christian.
RF (Guest) 28/02/2011 16:00
Alec has produced a good piece at 13.15.
Over the years the authority of the bible has been withered away by science and education. The process of science is not hateful [it does not have feelings], and in the main atheists are not spiteful - but Christians often seem to resent intelligent study of their claims. There are some massive claims that have withered on the vine and those of religion bent often respond by pick and mixing their assertions; it can stimulate non believers to shake their heads as the process unfolds.

Some atheist are aware that the religious establishment has power the Lords and concessions e.g regarding faith schools, so that being so the unfaithful would seem to have a right to challenge such influence and loosening of the purse to aid religion.
Gordon Leith (Guest) 28/02/2011 16:21
RF, you said tat "There are some massive claims that have withered on the vine".
Could you perhaps list some of those please.
Any claim htat is not based on the Bible deserves to fail. However I would be interested to know of those that are Bible-based and have failed.
Martin Lisemore 28/02/2011 17:14
So would I!
Rosemary Cameron 28/02/2011 23:01
My comments on the FCofS should not be read as approval of their non-position - simply an attempt to answer your initial question. I would agree that what we believe about creation is important, even fundamental, and worth fighting about, in the right way. (That does not include being hateful.)
When Paul preached the gospel to the Athenians, he started with creation. Our post-christian society is not so different from that of Athens in Paul's day so we can learn something from his tactics.

W Benn (Guest) 24/07/2013 08:51
There is no controversy regarding evolution. Science has observed, tested and declared its position. However scientists are forever open to serious new ideas,developments and challenges. Nothing serious has sprung from the ID camp to overturn the theory of evolution. Oh, by the way, do not throw in 'it's only a theory' because that will only confirm misunderstanding and ignorance.

I welcome 'but what abouts' but please do concede the overwhelming evidence for the theory of evolution. Please do not resort to the god of the gaps before making a mature and considered judgement. Even the Catholic Church eventually conceded that the theory is acceptable and good science; not that I was ever worried about what it thought.

Jack Thomson (Guest) 24/07/2013 09:35
Quote: Even the Catholic Church eventually conceded that the theory is acceptable and good science; .....
Since when was the Roman Catholic Church recogniseded as a benchmark for truth among discerning Christians?
Quote: There is no controversy regarding evolution....
Saying it doesn't make it true.
Question: Where does DNA resource the intelligence which it symbolically and biologically represents?

Colin Ford (Guest) 24/07/2013 10:19
Yes, the Roman Catholic Church is apostate, idolatrous, superstitious, ecumenical, blasphemous, need I go on?
Rome certainly doesn't speak for me in matters of creation!
But, again, I believe that unless God does a Divine work of repentance in a man's heart, he will never believe in the Bible's creation account. I am sure that there are many Scriptures that attest to this?
Romans 8.5-7.
I think it a waste of time, this Creation vs Evolution debate. Both sides obviously won't back down, but having said this, in a public meeting, those with an open mind may well be persuaded? Sometimes those that are very anti Creation, have come to faith. There may well be hope for Mr Dawkins!
Now about that gap......

Jack Thomson (Guest) 24/07/2013 11:01
You are indeed correct Colin - unless God opens a person's eyes to His absolute reality, and His creative presence in the universe then there is absolutely no point in attempting to persuade.........
And its worse, if it can get worse, for I've noticed that even when apologetics does seem successful (in the conversion of a soul) - seldom, if at all,is that conversion conducted at a spiritual level - its always an 'academic' conversion - which is why chistendom is in the (spiritually) deteriorating state it is today
All that 'human' argument can produce is 'christianised' - but still spiritually unregenerate intelligence.
Paul set aside fine argument and preached 'Christ crucified'
Colin Ford (Guest) 24/07/2013 11:57
Yes; that "academic conversion", as you call it, does obviously happen, which in reality is no conversion at all?
Because as Romans 1.20,21 says; "people are without excuse"?
I believe everyone(including Richard Dawkins!) KNOWS that there IS a Creator God? They KNOW that evolution is false science; 1 Timothy 6.20, but they don't want to be accountable, or indeed obedient to God's commandments, which ARE liberating! The carnal mind is enmity against God; Romans 8.7.
Intelligence is often a great barrier to people coming to faith; 1 Corinthians 1.26? This is why we have to believe as "little children" Matthew 18.3?
What saith the Scripture? "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved" Acts 16.31?

This is just as well! Because if the Scriptures were to say "Figure everything out to the last jot and tittle and thou shalt be saved", we would all be doomed?

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Christians Together in the Highlands and Islands > Archive > Around the Region > Caithness and Sutherland > Creation Ministries International Meetings