Christian Life 

Baptisms in River Ness

A number of Christian believers are to make public confesssion of their faith and are scheduled to be baptised on Sunday in the River Ness.

Eilidh Clyne's Baptism
Eilidh Clynes BaptismSunday, 16 August, 2008 at 12-12.30 (approx)
Fishers' Bothy (adjacent to Bught Park)

The word of God instructs us to be baptised as a public acknoweldgement of faith and as a spiritual act symbolising the washing away of sins and the new birth in Christ.

Accordingly Pastor Ian Ross and others from Inverness Christian Fellowship are planning to gather at the Fisher's Bothy (adjacent to Bught Park) on the banks of the River Ness to baptise a number of believers from the ICF.

Just over a year ago, Eilidh Clyne - supported by family and friends - made similar public profession of her faith. And you can read an article about this event and watch a short video of the service.

A warm invitation is extended to all to come and support these new believers and share in their special moment. The service is due to commence between 12 noon and 12.30pm and car parking is available in a small car park and also along the roadside.


Christians Together, 14/08/2009

Eilidh Clyne's Baptism
Eilidh Clyne was baptised as a believer in Jesus Christ in the River Ness (Inverness). She was supported by family and friends who came to participate in the event and support her.
Downloads: 2279
Recorded: 01/06/2008
Length: 4 minutes
Play Download Windows Media Video (13.9MB)

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Christians Together in the Highlands and Islands > Christian Life > Reaching Out > Forthcoming Baptisms in River Ness (Aug 2009)