About ChristiansTogether
THIS SECTION gives some background information relating to the 'Christians Together' website.
The website was first established in 2007 to serve the Scottish Highlands and Islands carrying local news and information of interest. Since then the development and growth of social media has taken on that role. Meanwhile membership of the site has grown to include believers on six continents. (See map below.)
In 2020 the world was hit by a Covid 'pandemic' and, since then, many other highly significant issues have developed including a war between Ukraine and Russia. Then on 7 October 2023, a deadly assault on Israel by the Hamas group in Gaza.
Following that attack, an online prayer/fellowship group was set up and a strong bond developed amongst those involved.
However on a Christian website there could be – as can be found elsewhere – a variety of opinions: most recently on both the medical and other aspects of the pandemic, and also relating to the conflict in Israel.
With this in mind, as editor of the site, I took the opportunity to outline my position in early January 2024 with those prayer group members who happened to be online that day. A 25-minute recording is available below. Essentially the recording is in three parts -
Part 1 (at 00 on timeline): The ChristiansTogether website history and development. See also here and here.
Part 2: (at 2.14 on timeline): Speaking to a small praying group online to outline that I -
(a) believe in God's latter day purposes for His ancient people and the land of Israel, and
(b) believe that what has happened to the nations since 2020 and the Covid scene is diabolically-inspired and is outlined in -
Part 3. (at 11.00 on timeline) A Roman Catholic archbishop speaking about what the world and its people have been subjected to and experiencing in the years following the 'pandemic' which commenced in 2020.(I do not at all follow Roman Catholic teaching.) Vigano speaks of the "global coup d'etat" against human kind and all that God has created.
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On the events since 2020 see Into 2024. Regarding my views on Israel see A nation and a people like no other and the CT site section Esther 4-14
While I operate the website single-handedly, I have a prayer support group and ample fellowship around me for which I am most grateful to rely on for advice and prayer. You can also find a bit of 'bio' here relating to my 'Sitz im Leben'. If you wish to support the work in any way please do be in touch.

Click on some of the sections on the left of this page; or from the drop-down menu to learn more.
Hubb Support, 21/02/2003