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Everyday Outreach Tract
A credit-card-sized tract to be used to reach out to the lost via everyday encounters.
Jesus said: Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,
baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Matt. 28:19)
IN our age which is filled with fear, hopeless and despair God has his eternal and unchanging plan in place. It is not however to save this tired old world; rather it is to save those within it – one person at a time.
When Jesus went back to be with the Father he left his disciples to fulfill the mission which he started. And as you read this, that means you and me.
However old you are (in age or in faith), the Lord has graciously put things into your heart, experience and understanding; and the longer you have walked with Christ the greater that spiritual storehouse will be. But with this brings responsibility. Eamonn Holmes is a TV personality and although he is not known for any Christian faith he was quoted a couple of years ago philosophizing thus:
“[Today] I have more experience behind me than I have ever had;
and [today] I have more opportunity before me than I will ever have.”
Now read that again. It's quite a thought. The immense privilege of knowing Christ brings with it the responsibility of sharing Christ with those around us with whom we have contact. The more our heavenly father has given us, the more we have available to give out; and the remaining time we have to do it is greater today than it will be tomorrow.
As we encounter others on a day-to-day basis conversations develop; and present us with opportunities to share our faith. Over the years many have used tracts as a shorthand means of presenting Christ. But we may not have such a thing readily to hand. Hence this article about a credit-card sized tract which can be easily slotted into a purse or wallet or mobile phone case. The video below illustrates the scenario.
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Response Facility
THE QR code on the credit-card tract points to this webpage which itself carries more information about how to find salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. The page also offers an e-mail address and dedicated mobile phone number with which the enquirer can make contact.
If the person handing out the tract might wish subsequently to be in touch with an enquirer, there is space on the tract for a personal code. This would be known only by the tract-giver and the editor of the ChristiansTogether website. In any personal contact and exchange(s) strict confidentiality would apply.
Partnering in the Outreach Project
If you would like to partner in this project and/or obtain a supply of the tracts, please do be in touch.