Christian Life 

There is Hope / A Never Failing Promise

In a world which has gone badly wrong, Jesus Christ came to offer everlasting hope to those who accept him by faith.

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SalvationIF the question "What is Christianity?" was asked, probably the most common reply would be: "It's a religion". And if the question were about churches, then the response(s) would almost certainly refer to congregations, buildings and ministers.

However the essence of Christianity is not about a religious institution; and the real definition of 'church' relates to that worldwide grouping of ordinary people who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal saviour; and then gone on to become his life-long disciples.

So Christianity at its core is a one-to-one relationship with Jesus who was essentially God in human form. And this Jesus has promised that he will return. On his second coming however he will come not to be crucified, but to reign with his followers for a period of time leading into the eternal state. The Bible, which is the word of God, also outlines the consequences for those who have, in this present age, rejected the offer of Jesus as Saviour.

You can find more information about new life in Jesus Christ by viewing the video below.




Like to know more? If you have been reading this page and listening to the above and would like to know more about Jesus' offer of hope, not only for this life, but life into eternity, you can be in touch as follows. It would be great to hear from you; and strict confidentiality would apply.

E-mail:- click here or by Telephone: - 07716 885 326.

Online resources

The Gideons are a grouping which provide resources.
You can download a Bible app - for android here; and for iphone here.

Free online course

Also there is a facility to join a free online course.

One man's story

Brian Irvine5Meanwhile you might like to visit the story of Brian Irvine who, as professional footballer, came to realise that there was more to life than winning cups.


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Christians Together in the Highlands and Islands > Christian Life > Reaching Out > A Never Failing Promise