Yachad, Israel and an Inverness meeting
A grouping which was formed in 2007 is now hosting a meeting in Inverness whereby a Messianic Jewish believer from Israel will share from the Word of God and speak into and from the situation in the Middle East from a Biblical perspective.
originally published 10/05/10

Click on image above to download file with poster and handbills.
The background
In the Autumn of 2006 a film The Forsaken Promise was completed which chronicles the relationship between Britain and the land of Israel and the Jewish people over the period spanning the two World Wars.
The film gives a background to the undertaking given by the British government in 1917 to create a land in the Middle East for the Jewish people. This agreement was called ‘The Balfour Declaration’ which stated: 'His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object..'
However after the Second World War, Arab hostility and the UK’s growing dependency on oil in the region resulted in Britain turning its back on Jews fleeing from the Holocaust and at that time barred them access to the area called Palestine. The earlier promises were not fulfilled and the British government handed the issue over to the United Nations. When in 1948 the Jews declared the state of Israel (with a 2/3 vote of approval by the UN) the surrounding Arab nations rose up in unison to drive the indigenous and returning Jews out of the region.
The birth and development of Yachad
When The Forsaken Promise film was first released a lady living in central Scotland who was and is connected with the ministry of Prayer for Israel wondered aloud about the prospect of getting a copy of the trailer of the film to all the church leaders in Scotland along with a covering letter. The vision to see this happen was shared with others and the overall sense was to proceed with this intent.
To this end and with a general support to continue to pray into God’s end-time purposes for the Jewish people, a group of individuals living within Scotland and representing or allied with a wide variety of established ministries came together in January 2007 in Perth. Around that time, one of those involved felt that she was ‘given’ the name ‘Yachad’ (Hebrew for ‘together’), and so Yachad came into being.
Yachad now has a flier to outline its purposes and also a website to give further information and links to various related ministries and resources. Subsequent to the Forsaken Promise and second film was produced entitled 'The Destiny of Britain'. This film traces the support by British evangelical church of previous years for God's latter day purposes for the Jewish people and what he calls 'My land'.
An Inverness meeting
In the Highlands, and in the cooperative spirit on which Yachad is based, a meeting is now to be held in Inverness in June 2010 at which the visiting speaker is a Messianic Jew now living with his family in Israel for over 20 years. Chuck Cohen is an author and board member of Intercessors for Israel. He has since 2004 spoken each summer at a week-long prayer gathering held in Scotland near Huntly at Ellel Scotland’s Blairmore House. He has also spoken at meetings held in Perth, Elgin, Inverness and Portree in 2007. You can listen here to an interview which Chuck gave to Christians together around that time.
Chuck will be speaking from the Word of God and about what the Bible and our daily news have to say about the current situation in Israel and the Middle East. The meeting in Culduthel Christian Centre has been organised by three of the sister organisations with whom Yachad is associated viz. Christian Friends of Israel, Prayer for Israel and Sword magazine.
Yachad, 26/05/2010
The Forsaken Promise (Trailer)
The 20th century history of how the British government broke its promises to the Jewish people. And a challenge to Christians to repent over that act. |
Downloads: |
2692 |
Recorded: |
Length: |
0 minute |
The Destiny of Britain (Trailer)
A Trailer
The Destiny of Britain is a film about Britain's part in establishing the modern state of Israel - a vision, supported by great Christian revivalists and Bible teachers such as the Wesley brothers, Charles Simeon, Robert Murray McCheyne, C H Spurgeon, and Bishop J C Ryle. |
Downloads: |
2961 |
Recorded: |
Length: |
7 minutes |
Interview with Chuck Cohen
Chuck Cohen
Chuck Cohen visited the Highlands in May 2007 as part of a tour with Christian Friends of Isreal. He is one of the directors of Intercessors for Israel who leads at an annual prayer conference in Ellel Ministries Blairmore House near Huntly. |
Downloads: |
2852 |
Recorded: |
17/05/2007 |
Length: |
11 minutes |