CFH(H) prayer for healing in the Manna House
The Christian Fellowship of Healing (Highland) are now available on Monday evenings in the Manna House for those in need of prayer for God's healing in their lives.
Enjoying a cuppa and fellowship in the Manna House
Jim Rettie retired from parish work with the Church of Scotland and now leads the Christian Fellowship of Healing (Highlands) based in Inverness.
Over the last eighteen years Jim, assisted by his team from various Christian Denominations has sought to make the Christian community aware of the healing power of Jesus today. That has led him to visit many churches and Christian groups in Scotland and further afield to places like Malawi, S Africa, India and DR Congo.
With members of his team, Jim also visits people in their homes and wherever there is a cry for the healing touch of Jesus. Members of his team are also involved in Healing on the Streets and Street Pastors in Inverness. The Fellowship offer the ministry of Healing at a number of monthly meetings.
Ed note: The Manna House is closed as a cafe in the evenings and is available for Christian groups to use.
Jim Rettie with some of his CFH(H) team The Manna House is a Christian cafe on the banks of the River Ness
CFH(H), 06/06/2010
Roddy Lightbody (Guest) |
06/06/2010 12:41 |
I would like to confirm that we are available in the Manna House on Monday nights from 7.30pm until 9.00pm and no longer on Fridays as previously. We hope this has not caused anyone any inconvenience.