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 They said it 

Alistair Campbell

Alistair Campbell

"If the public knew the truth about the way certain sections of the media operate, they would be absolutely horrified"

The author and script-writer Donald James
“A truth’s initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.”

Question MarkAnd look at the question: "Which is you?"


See also: -

Robert Epstein
Video on the War against Media Manipulation

And Telegram channel
'Not on the Beeb' -


 Latest Article 
The Rapture Question - No.2
In this second of a series of speakers, Rev. Andrew Baguley addresses the timing of the Rapture
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Great Escape or Great Trouble?
As we look forward to the glorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ there are conflicting views on what we can expect to see and experience.
 Recent News and Articles 
Geoff Barnard
The Rapture Question No.1
In this first of a series of speakers, Geoff Barnard addresses the Resurrection and the Rapture More ...
Geoff Barnard
Billy Connelly
Please Pray for The Big Yin; and fellow sufferers
As the multi-talented Billy Connolly reflects on the things of life and death, he does so as a victim. More ...
J B Hixson
Spiritually, what's happening in our world?
Rev. Dr. J.B. Hixson speaking to an online audience regarding the significant developments in our world since the Covid pandemic of 2020. More ...
The Editor
Silence of the Lambs
Mute in the Face of CatastropheThis article has associated video
While we see tens of millions around the world been killed or severely injured by a medical intervention we find we can no longer rely on: "Trust me I'm a doctor". More ...
The Editor
The Time of Jacob's Trouble: 
The timing of this event is one which is debated. Philip Wren of Trumpet Sounds offers a view. More ...
The Gospel in Contemporary Culture.    
Rev. Dr. Joseph Boot was the invited speaker at an online meeting aimed at exploring the Great Commission in a challenging, multi-cultural and post-Christian setting. More ...
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Emerging Tyranny
 Recommended Sites 

Christian sites
Trumpet Sounds  Philip Wren
Illusion2Reality  Graham Bridger
Christian Teaching  Tony Higton
Barnabas Fund
Christian Institute
Christian Concern
Heart Newspaper
Prophecy Today

Secular sites
TCW (On line newspaper)
Gatestone Institute (Think tank)
MEMRI (Middle East news)

 Recent Comments 
The Rapture Question - No.2
Editor, Sun 14 Jul, 9:44am
The Rapture Question No.1
Victoria Beckett, Thu 11 Jul, 10:10pm
God, the Jews and Israel
April Elliott, Mon 24 Jun, 7:55pm
Please Pray for The Big Yin; and fellow sufferers
Helen Munro (Guest), Mon 24 Jun, 4:38pm
 Christian Institute News 
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Couples who save sex until married are happier
Psychologist warns of loss of traditional values
Children over-exposed to graphic sexual imagery
Demand for Bibles in China outstripping supply
Christianity under attack in the UK
Why I regret divorcing