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Inverness GP stands as SCP candidate in 2010
Donald Boyd, an Inverness General Practitioner is standing as a candidate for the Scottish Christian Party at the forthcoming 2010 General Election. Dr. Boyd spearheaded the SCP campaign in the elections for the Scottish Parliament in 2007.
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Dr. Donald Boyd
Dr. Donald Boyd is standing as the Scottish Christian Party's (SCP) parliamentary candidate for Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey UK Parliamentary constituency in the General Election on Thursday 6th May 2010. He previously spear-headed the SCP campaign at the Scottish elections in 2007.
Donald has lived in Inverness and its environs since 1980 and has been acquainted with the Highlands from his childhood. He is a medical doctor and, although he is a GP, he has mainly worked at Raigmore Hospital since 2000. He also works as part of the Street Pastors team where he helps out each month in the city centre or Merkinch (see here for recent report by Dr. Boyd of his work with Street Pastors.)
To this local knowledge, his interest in British and world history adds an international and historical perspective to his assessment of the needs of Britain at several levels of society.
Street Pastors in conversation
Donald is concerned at the marginalising of Christian values in public life, and the open hostility to the practice of Christianity. He believes it is Christianity which made Britain Great, and the fragmentation of our society is because of the decline in practical Christianity. "I challenge someone to mention one thing which unites British society at present - not even a common language unites us," he says.
He applies this view to the European Union also and is of the opinion that the ordinary British citizen is unable to follow what happens in Europe. He suggests that the average person "only feel the adverse effects of European laws made by faceless bureaucrats whose languages they do not even understand."
Further information on the Scottish Christian Party and Dr. Boyd's candidacy can be found at the Highland SCP web site.
Inverness High Street in the run-up to the General Election
Christians Together, 24/04/2010