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Elaine Storkey meeting

Global Poverty Prayer Week 12th - 18th November 2007
Come and hear
Elaine Storkey
on Tuesday
13th November 2007
at Inshes Church, 7.30pm
Elaine Storkey is the UK President of Tearfund, and a well-known conference speaker and lecturer in theology. Radio 4 listeners will be familiar with Elaine as she is a regular contributor to Thought for the Day.
Dr Storkey is one of the most experienced writers and speakers in relating the Christian Gospel to contemporary culture. She has a background in philosophy and sociology and has many years experience of teaching in the UK and overseas (most recently with King's College, London). For 7 years she was the Executive Director of the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity. She is the UK President of Tear Fund, a Vice President of the University of Gloucestershire and a member of the Crown Appointments Commission. Her most recent publication, with the University of Salford, addresses issues of helping business leaders explore and apply Christian ethics in their work. Elaine is a Senior Research Fellow at Wycliffe Hall, a role which allows her to continue her valued wider ministry in writing, broadcasting, research and public speaking.
Jonathan Appleby, 16/10/2007