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Global Poverty Prayer Week
12 - 18 November 2007

Global Poverty Prayer Week
12th - 18th November 2007
Tearfund’s Global Poverty Prayer Week pulls together thousands of Christians hungry to hear God and keen to be part of a miracle.
Do you believe that prayer changes things? If so, please read on: InshesChurch is setting aside a room during this week where you can come and pray for the issues of global poverty. The room will be available all day, and you can just drop in whenever it is convenient, or you can sign up in advance to pray for one hour at a particular time.
During the week we’re asking you to spend time praying individually and with your Christian friends around five of the many areas in which Tearfund works:
Thursday: Trade injustice
Friday: Water and sanitation
The prayer room at Inshes Church will be set out with some materials to guide you in your praying. Each day will have a different set of materials to correspond with the themes outlined above.
Contact Jonathan Appleby to reserve your time slot during this week (01463 791470).
Saturday is a chance to get involved in campaigning and send a letter to the UK Secretary of State in time for the major UN summit on climate change happening in December. Visit to find out more.
Sunday is an opportunity to use our special prayer film during your church service. See the Tearfund website for details of the film.
Further info:
Tearfund phone: 0845 355 8355
Ed footnote: See also Elaine Storkey meeting
Jonathan Appleby, 16/10/2007
Jonathan Appleby (Guest) |
07/11/2007 20:05 |
If you want to book the Prayer Room at Inshes Church for an hour or more during this week, please phone Jonathan Appleby on 07876 614017.