Happy Hour(s) at the Manna House

On Thursday 20 September 2007, the Manna House Café in Huntly Street, Inverness commenced a a series of meetings with a time of singing, prayer and scripture reading. On each occasion there is a speaker.
The subsequent meeting dates can be found in the Calendar.
But go to the foot of this page also for updates.
Thursdays in Manna House Huntly Street Inverness from 10.30am - 11.15am
All are most welcome to these times of fellowship, praise and prayer.
Tea and biscuits will be provided free of charge.
Subsequent meetings are planned for every second Thursday from 14th February, 2008: each with a different speaker.
For further information on these meetings contact: Moira Munro at the Manna House Tel. 01463 710710 or (home) Tel. 01463 222000