
Prayer walk report from Orkney

A report and pictures from Fiona and Brian Flett

Orkney BallonsTuesday 10th April was Day Three of the 50-day prayer walk – for twenty two hours the National Team were in Orkney – flying in at 8.00am and dispersing to several different island before coming together in the late afternoon.

Christians at Stromness, Kirkwall and Finstown organised structured walks and prayer times en route, while in the isles there were prayer walks and drives in Stronsay, Sanday, Westray, Flotta, Papa Westray and South Ronaldsay.
Other smaller isles were being prayed for by whoever was available on the day. Each area cut a branch or plant to bring in to the praise rally in the evening and it is hoped to use these growing things as a sign of new life in a community gardening project later in the 50 days.

As every one came together to walk round the capital city of Kirkwall, there was a balloon release of red and gold balloons symbolising both blood and the fire from the North. Each balloon carried a text and a note of who had prayed for the balloon’s finder. Every balloon found will be rewarded with the gift of a New Testament.

Orkney pray for scotland meetiAfter mince and clapshot (local delicacy) the rally got started and well over two hundred people packed the cinema for a time of praise and worship. Musical items by the CE Campers and the local group the Linties encouraged the singers to raise the roof.
After a stirring word from Pastor Bert McKaig the local church leaders gathered round to pray for the team, who were setting off for Caithness the next morning.

The team were sent on to the ferry following a simple communion at the quayside; and although they boarded the ship to get some much needed rest, they were up until the wee small hours sharing all that God had done that day.
Meanwhile at the 24-hour prayer time in Kirkwall, the local warriors were stirred to pray with several joining the number at 2.00am, 3.00am and 5.00am; and finding that it was soon time to go home.

When the ship left the berth at 6.30am there was a long rolling thunder as the team set off into the Pentland Firth and on to Caithness.

The next day the news filtered through locally of prayers already being answered – Praise God!


Some more pictures ...

Orkney Ballons

Orkney pray for scotland note

Orkney pray for scotland music

Orkney pray for scotland child

Rev Tom Clark (Guest) 14/04/2007 14:34
Many old hurts were healed. The 24 hour prayer group meeting in the Meadows Gospel Hall was likened to a "lighthouse". It even attracted people with immediate desperate prayer needs. (People who would not normally seek prayer) It was extraordinary. We are not on the "backfoot" any longer as a Body but risen from our dry bones and become more activated. PTL
Editor 16/04/2007 01:30
Thanks Tom; and perhaps others might like to leave a note hear of their own experiences of it all.
I would also encourage folks to register on the site (from "Register" link on the home page.

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Christians Together in the Highlands and Islands > Archive > Around the Region > Orkney > Prayer walk report from Orkney