Exploring Eschatology
You are most warmly invited to join a forthcoming 'Zoom' webinar where Bible-teacher Paul Luckraft will be speaking on the subject of the end-times.
Are we approaching the end of the age?
Many - inside and outside of the church - are asking this question. Eschatology is a big subject with a variety of views so with the above question in mind, a 6-week online series has been organised as follows:
Exploring Eschatology - 6-part Zoom Webinar
Tuesday evening, 8 September 2020
7.30pm - 9.00pm (British Summer Time)
Tuesday evening, 13 October (BST)
With such an 'Everest-like' subject the aim will be to start at 'base camp' level in the Word of God.
You can see a brief interview with Bible-teacher Paul Luckraft on the video below.
If you would be interested in joining in, please do be in touch - editor@christianstogether.net. Also please feel free to pass this information or article on to any others who might be interested.
Post-webinar feedback and information:
Those who attended the above webinar are invited to give any comments / expression of thanks / etc. (If doing say please just give your first name and surname initial.)
The following are the books which are recommended (the 'Look Inside' facility on many online book stores can give an idea of the content and of course the price).

1. There are several article on this website about end-time views. Go to the 'Search' box and type in 'Eschatology or Millennium or 'Rapture' and you will find them.
2. One of the most succinct articles I have come across over the years is in a chapter from a small booklet entitled: 'The Coming Saviour and the World's Crisis'.
The Editor, 13/08/2020
Charles Cottam (Guest) |
21/10/2020 17:48 |
The course was very good and it did what it said in the tin. "An introduction to Eschatology".
But in thinking about any follow on I would urge the thought" How will it help strengthen people's faith? or even How will it encourage people to be born again?" Without an answer to these questions we run the risk of becoming geeky Christian nerds endlessly obsessing on our own pet topic.
Some future course might address the following: Q. How does your eschatology affect your gospel? Q. When the son of man returns will he find faith on earth? Strategies for staying faithful to the end. Q. Evangelism through prophecy. This is that. Q. How can the church become Gods prophet to the nations before it is too late? More will come to mind I am sure but I would call these subjects Applied Eschatology
(Guest) |
21/10/2020 18:52 |
Paul's guidance and teaching was both informative and challenging. The questions for Breakout groups stimulated deep thought and much sharing of our faith and our struggles. A special thanks to Paul and my Breakout group leader (3) for their organisation, guidance and leadership. Applied Eschatology courses as suggested by Charles would be most welcomed.
Garry G. (Guest) |
21/10/2020 21:11 |
Excellent course, good to offer to others, Part 2 ... please. Paul is good for Zoom Webinar - as economical but effective in communication. Principles and guidelines for study of Scripture were most welcome and equipping for us. Fellowship of Believers within it, and in groups was precious. Gave me a further understanding of Believers and their churches that I had been searching to know previously, as I have a burden for the Body of Christ. Perhaps some familiarisation of how to operate Zoom, especially for novices like me, would be invaluable, using chat facilities etc. Could be included in the warm up evening we had, prior to Part 1. Information ahead of coming sessions, such as Scripture passages to read in advance would be valuable and help in getting up to take off speed. Some briefing of Group leaders might be useful, like reminding group of raising the hand, and bringing in those who may find it difficult to make their entry. A lovely spirit throughout, good balance between allowing participation and getting on with the teaching. The suggestion to connect an external adjustable speaker to my PC was really helpful, as I bought one for the webinar, it gave clear, easily audible sound. The presence of good light is advisable. HUGE THANK YOU to PAUL, COLIN, RANDAL.. The LORD God bless you ALL, RICHLY.
Dawn B (Guest) |
25/10/2020 13:14 |
Thanks for a great course. I do totally agree with Charles' comment and points at the top. Yes, we should understand the times but more important is knowing how to prepare for these times ahead: what does this look like? What should we be DOING? How can we help get God's TRUTH to the lost people in our world? What does preparing mean and how can we support one another in this? Thanks for the opportunity for discussion and learning in this course. I would be very interested to join with like-minded people in seeking how to respond to this knowledge and putting it into action. God bless you for your work.