Christian Life 

Mayor questioned on street preacher arrest

The London Mayor Sadiq Khan has been questioned about the arrest and de-arrest of a Christian street preacher and freedom of speech.

Preacher arrestOn Saturday 23 February, Oluwole Ilesanmi, a Christian street preacher and former dentist, was arrested outside Southgate tube station in London for ‘breaching the peace’. Now Sadiq Khan, the London Mayor has been questioned about the actions of the police and the treatment of the elderly preacher Oluwole Ilessanmi. A passerby who thought that a Muslim aggressor was going to attack the preacher filmed the event on her phone. The footage went 'viral' and according to Christian Concern millions across the UK and around the world have expressed outrage at how the preacher was treated.

Under questioning Mayor Khan conspicuously declined to say that people reading from the Bible in a public setting in London would not be liable to be arrested.

Christian ConcernFollowing the question/answer session with Mayor Khan Andrea Williams of Christian Concern gave a summary response to camera.
She stated: Sadiq Khan refused to provide assurances that Christians are free to preach from the Bible without fear of arrest on London's streets.

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Christians Together in the Highlands and Islands > Christian Life > Christians and Politics > Mayor questioned on street preacher arrest