
Nairn Men's Breakfast

Since 2008 outreach breakfasts for men have been meeting in Nairn. Initially held in a home the numbers have now grown and these outreach events have moved to the Nairn Dunbar Golf Club.


Mens breakfastsIn 2008 Campbell Scot, a believer living in Nairn, felt a prompting from the Lord to set up a monthly Men's Breakfast: the intention behind the initiatve being to offer opportunities for Christian men to invite their friends to hear about the work of God in the lives of others.

By May 2009 the numbers attending had grown to the point that the Breakfast's needed a bigger venue; and the regular meetings – held on the 3rd Saturday of each month with the exceptions of June and December – now moved to the Nairn Dunbar Golf Club.

The Breakfasts start at 09.45 (for 10.00) and run for about an hour and a half. Those gathered enjoy a full breakfast  in a very friendly setting. Once the meal is over there is a time of praise leading into a time when the range of invited speakers share their testimonies of how God has worked in their lives. The meeting closes with  a prayer being said and there is opportunity for anyone with any questions about the Christian faith to speak to the speaker for the day or others believers who are there.
Any who feel in need of prayer are offered a safe and confidential environment to share their thoughts.

Nairn Breakfast low res

For further information about the Breakfasts contact:
Campbell Scott Tel. 01667 455149 / E-mail:


 Nairn Dunbar Golf Club, Lochloy Rd., Nairn IV12 5AE 

Campbell Scott, 31/01/2013

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Christians Together in the Highlands and Islands > Archive > Around the Region > Moray and Nairn > Nairn Men's Breakfasts