A Foundation Course in Pastoral Care
A Foundation Course on Pastoral Care is planned for the new year at the Mishkan Resource Centre in Inverness. It has been designed by the ACC to run over four Saturdays.
The aim of the course is to enable participants to develop their understanding of pastoral care from a Christian perspective and to become more effective in relating to and caring for the people and communities around them. The series comprises of a number of trainer led group sessions totalling 22 ½ hours. The training sessions will include group discussion, sharing of experiences and ideas, practice of skills and individual reflection.
Dates and Sessions
Jan 28 - Session 1: Introduction; A Biblical Perspective; Human Need Feb. 11 - Session 2: The Caring Relationship; Listening to Self and God Feb 25 - Session 3 Listening to Others (2 parts) March 17 - Session 4 - Safe Practice; Resources; Going Out and Close
Course cost: £95.00 Closing date for applications: 17 January, 2011
Click here for brochure giving full details of the course and content.
Click here for Application Forms.
The Association of Christian Counsellors (ACC) is a membership organisation that was initially established to develop and support the ministry of Christian Counselling. ACC sees Christian Counselling as part of the wider field of Pastoral Care and, in response to requests from churches, developed this training course as a resource for churches to help them equip and enable folk who are involved in Pastoral Care.
The Mishkan Resource Centre (Mishkan meaning Tent of Meeting, Exodus 33) was previously known as GHOBE ministries. The Board envisages opportunities for Christian service through devolping an on going programme to nurture, equip and encourage Christians. There is space available for workshops, seminars and conferences. Rooms or the Centre can be booked for use by groups. Already at the Centre are 'Sycamores Counselling ' individual generic counselling, and 'X plus Y', relationship resources. Contact: Tel. 01463 226966 E-mail: mishkan70@live.co.uk
Please note: The last day of the course is Saturday, 17 March (not as indicated on notice above)
Mishkan Resource Centre, 18/11/2011