
Jim Ritchie reports on blessings in Stornoway

Rev. Jim Ritchie was preaching in Martin's Memorial Church of Scotland recently and has given the following report of God's prescence and blessing as the people there gathered over a communion season.

article first published 02/03/10

by Jim Ritchie

martins memorial1 I HAVE just come back from the most amazing weekend in Stornoway ministering at Martin's Memorial Church for four days during their communion season. Martin's Memorial is the church led by fellow Scotland Trust leaders, Tommy and Donna Macneil.

God is doing wonderful things there, and so many lives are being transformed as people are being set free in Jesus; but over the four days we were together God really intensified things and in particular on Sunday night He moved in the most incredible way.

The church, which was packed with people of all ages, was filled with the real presence of God in an unusually strong way and in a way I personally have never experienced. God just blew us away and broke our hearts with passion for Him and compassion for the lost; our friends, families, neighbours- our community, and our nation.

We started at 6:30pm and were still in there at midnight! The only way I have been able to describe what happened is that a much bigger wave than normal hit the shore. This felt like the start of something new coming in, and what I think is the first warning of a Kingdom Tsunami to follow.

Over the weekend and in particular on Sunday what God showed us is that He is ready to move in Scotland in revival power again, and what will change our nation this time is love!! In the past when revival hit our shores it was marked with a conviction of sin and repentance, and although I am sure this will always be a feature of any move of God, I sense that the overwhelming factor this time will be love!! God's amazing love for people hitting our nation; our love for Him as we totally abandon ourselves to Him and truly love Him with ALL our heart, soul, mind and strength; and our love for our neighbours, our community, our nation as we love them all as we love ourselves!

As our hearts break with what breaks our Father's, our nation will see and feel a new wave of grace and mercy which will transform it. God's loving compassion bursting out of the church onto the streets and all over our community witll change and win Scotland! Yes!!!

If you lead a church or are part of a church simply get into God's presence and ask Him to show you what breaks His heart in your community, then go to that place, those people and bring His love in a real and genuine Kingdom way and just watch what happens!

However, don't do it for the perceived results, just do it because it's what we're supposed to do; just do it becasue it pleases God's heart; just do it because you love God with ALL you have and you love people and are desperate for them to know and love Jesus! This is our time people. Watch the horizon, as something big is coming! Keep your eye on what is flowing from Stornoway too! Bring it on Lord and Keep the Love Flowing Church!

headphonestommie macneilTommy Macneil spoke with Christians Together in a short interview relating to the work of God in the midst of His people during the above weekend.

Jim Ritchie has also now given an interview in which he reflects upon the recent services. The recording will (d.v.) be available shortly.

Jim Ritchie

Jim Ritchie, 08/03/2011

Donald Hope (Guest) 06/03/2011 11:24
To use the word "revival" is rather strong. Revival takes place across the churches. (N. B. plural)Jean & I live on the north end of the Island where the church asked us to leave a few years ago because we objected to an elder offering bribes and another elder complaining that we didn't put enough money in the collection plate. No repentance has been shown by these elders or the minister (so far). Another church in Stornoway is now more than 10% 'alternative lifestyle' (It would be illegal to use the correct terms)Yet another church in the west has all but emptied it's church by going back to very strict traditional ways. There are many splits and factions resulting in new building but the same membership. Tommy used to run a fellowship for all Christians in many churches, after all we are "all one in Christ Jesus" This became more insular to be C of S only and then stopped.
We can talk up revival but we will not see real revival until, following a great deal of prayer, there is true repentance.
G K S Wallace-Anderson (Guest) 19/03/2011 13:30
Very brave/peculiar/insensitive/stupid to use tsunami references. Take your pick.
Editor 19/03/2011 18:44
Please note the date of the recording: it was made BEFORE the Japanese earthquake and inundation.
Alec (Guest) 19/03/2011 19:29
And 6 years after the Indian Ocean one that left over 200,000 dead......

It was after that event that the word "tsunami" passed into popular use. Few people used it before then, certainly in the West
Patrick Johnson (Guest) 19/03/2011 23:25
Great to hear of God at work in this way. Press in.
HG (Guest) 12/01/2012 22:21
Iwas there at this service an th after fellowship and I can confirm that it was not about anyone but GOD certinatly did move and changed our hearts he dealt with me one to one it wa awesome and I changes that night.God Bless All

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Christians Together in the Highlands and Islands > Archive > Around the Region > Western Isles > Jim Ritchie reports on blessings in Stornoway