
An independent candidate for the Western Isles at the General Election 2010

A former Scottish Christian Party candidate at Scottish 2007 elections is to stand as an independent at the forthcoming General Election. In the light of this development the SCP has withdrawn its candidate for the Western Isles.

murdomurray small1Mr. Murdo Murray - a former Technical Director with the Western Isles Council - has just announced his intention to stand as an independent candidate at the forthcoming General Election. Mr. Murray who is now a self-employed technical consultant attracted a significant number of votes when representing the Scottish Christian Party in the Scottish elections of 2007.

Initially it was the intention of the Scottish Christian Party to fight the 2010 General Election and the candidate for the Hebrides was to have been Rev. George Hargreaves the SCP leader. However Rev. Hargreaves withdrew because of illness in his family and put forward Mr. Tom Selfridge as a replacement candidate.

Subsequent to being advised by Mr. Murray of his intentions, Rev. Hargreaves has indicated that the SCP would not therefore contest the seat.

Mr. Murray has spoken out previously on issues such as the introduction of Sunday sailings to Lewis. He is keen to increase employment opportunities in the Western Isles and feels that venture capital can be found to promote economic development in industries such as renewable energy.

A  committed Christian and lay preacher Gaelic-speaking Mr. Murray will be seeking to represent an area of Scotland which is culturally homogeneous but religiously diverse. The religious/secular divisions in the Hebridean island chain are apparent when it comes to policies relating to transport, tourism and leisure facilities operating on Sundays.

microphoneOn announcing his candidature, Mr. Murray gave
an interview to Christians Together.


Christians Together, 30/03/2010

Rosemary Cameron 06/04/2010 22:06
Sadly I don't seem to be able to install the correct plugin in Firefox to enable me to hear the interview with Murdo Murray however I wish him every success in the election.
Editor 06/04/2010 23:09
Please see Computer Help section for some advice on the QuickTime audio player plug in for Firefox.
Also site visitors can save audio files to their own computer (and listen using whatever audio player they normally use) by 'right clicking' on the 'Download' link in the 'Audio' file section and then saving the MP3 file to disk.

Also most PCs have Internet Explorer installed and it is worth trying to listen to the file on this (IE) browser.
Rosemary Cameron 15/04/2010 21:29
I hear that Brian Taylor's Big Debate on Radio Scotland is going to be in the Western Isles constituency between now and the election but I don't know when. Any chance of more info or a link to the iplayer once it has happened Ed? And good luck to Murdo Murray in the debate!

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Christians Together in the Highlands and Islands > Archive > Around the Region > Western Isles > Independent Christian candidate for the Hebrides