Christian Life 

God at work in the Silent Witness 2010

If some of the stories are anything to go by then God was at work in peoples’ hearts as they observed the Silent Witness in the centre of Inverness for an hour on Good Friday.

Silent Witness3The traditional Silent Witness outreach on Good Friday brought some other interesting responses.

“Mummy; is that the cross that Jesus died on?”
This was the question posed by a young child as he walked past with his mum in Inverness city centre last Friday.
Another child, receiving no answer from her, asked his mum three times: "What's happening?"

Some pedestrians were so engrossed in their own thoughts that they walked right through the gathered circle, oblivious to it all. One person almost bumped into the cross, before stopping short and changing direction.

One passer-by broke out in a psuedo-wailing: "God help us." (The Bible tells us that the cry will one day be uttered in true anguish by multitudes.)

At one stage a young girl broke away from her friends and joined the circle of Christians who stood for a minute or two around the wooden cross at the main pedestrian intersection. She wanted to stop and say “Thank you” to God for answering her prayer for help in a serious situation in her life before re-joining her friends.

Within the same hour from 11am to 12 noon another couple stopped to enquire and ended up exploring a section of the Bible with one of the Christians there. That conversation developed and resulted in a follow-on cup of coffee and further discuss. Meanwhile another believer moved around amongst the morning shoppers offering pieces of literature which included testimonies of how Jesus had radically altered lives of ordinary people.
Only God knows all the stories of how He uses His children to touch the lives of others and only He knows how ultimately He will use the public testimony to the saving work of Jesus Christ as remembered last weekend.

Video CameraClick here to watch a short video of the 2010 Silent Witness

Christians Together, 07/04/2010

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Christians Together in the Highlands and Islands > Christian Life > Reaching Out > God at work in the Silent Witness 2010