Visit by John Mackay to Dornoch
by Barrie Fearns

We are delighted to announce the visit of John Mackay, Director of Creation Research to Dornoch
John Mackay, who was last with us in October 2007 is a highly engaging and informative speaker, who has spoken at many creation debates worldwide, at universities, and also on the BBC news programme HARDtalk.
John is schedule to speak at:
Dornoch & District Christian Fellowship
(above the community library in Dornoch)
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
He will present his testimony on how he became a Christian from a non church family, and how he ended up debating some of the worlds leading anti-Christian scholars such as Professor Richard Dawkins.
We are looking forward to what should be an encouraging night to which all are most welcome.
Book your place now - numbers are limited
For further information contact:
Barrie Fairns by e-mail or
Tel. 01408 633244
John Mackay is an international speaker and is the Australian Director of Creation Research. He has been lecturing on the subject of origins and doing field research worldwide for the last 30 years.
He was for many years a science teacher in both state and private secondary education systems in Queensland, Australia. He also lectured in Geology at Tertiary level for Technical Education and was instrumental in establishing Creation Research in Australia, and is currently the International Director of Creation Research. His many years in teaching have enabled him to communicate well to all ages. John has lectured and done research in USA, UK, Europe, Canada, The Caribbean, New Zealand, Australia and Asia on the evidence for Creation and Noah’s Flood. Such experience has given him a practical breadth of knowledge of the overwhelming evidence against evolution.