Crises in church and nation
The Maranatha Community is based in Manchester and, under the leadership of Dennis Wrigley, speaks and ministers prophetically into the life of the church, the social arena and national government leaders.
The Maranatha Community has published important documents which give information and direction for intercessors and all who are praying for revival/repentance in the church and the nation.
These documents are not 'casual reading'. They are not aimed to 'tickle the ears' or to be an easy skim-read. Neither are they likely to be attractive to those who merely want a cosy message or are looking for comfortable Christian entertainment.
But for those who have a serious interest in the glory of God the documents provide 'raw meat' information for earnest intercession.
THE STATE OF OUR NATION A Warning Cry to the Peopleof the United Kingdom
Our society is in a deepening social, moral and spiritual crisis. It is in danger of losing its direction. It is in danger of losing its soul. In spite of our affluence our national foundations are collapsing. We are in fact a sick society. This urgent call is made in the name of many thousands of Christian men and women of every political persuasion. They are committed members of churches of every denomination. It is addressed to our nation and to everyone in positions of leadership and authority.
CRISIS & GLORY A Call to the Churches in the United Kingdom
This is an urgent call, made in the name of Jesus Christ by many thousands of men and women committed to churches of every denomination, throughout the United Kingdom. We are today facing a grave crisis both in society and in the churches. We express our profound concern because we love the Church of Christ. Our hope is that this call to prayer and action will be a blessing to God’s people in this land.
THE PEOPLE OF GOD Thoughts about the Church today with scripture readings for reflection
Dennis Wrigley is the prophetic founder of the Marantha Community - a network of Christians devoted to healing, evangelisation and renewal. He shares what he feels the Spirit is saying to the body of Christ at this time; stressing the importance of listening and then concrete action, he calls on Christians to stand up for their faith as the Christian fabric of the society disintegrates. He also believes that Christians from other countries have an important role in helping re-evangelise Britain.
Dennis has made frequent visits to the Highlands over the years and on the last occasion addressed a gathering of church leaders and members at the Kingsview Christian Centre.
Christians Together / Marantha Community, 02/09/2008