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Easter Friday 2008 Bible Society Outreach
An outreach was conducted in the streets of Inverness on Good Friday (21 March) by offering a copy of the following to shoppers and passers-by.There was also be a static display in the Eastgate shopping centre.The street locations were chosen are at the 'approach points' to the Silent Witness which is also due to be held on Good Friday.
© Bible Society in Australia Inc.
 Carol Cann manning the Scottish Bible Society stand in Eastgate Centre
Alasdair Moodie who is a representative for the Scottish Bible Society in the local area writes:
The Eastgate management have given us a site near the Falcon Square entrance for the whole of Good Friday from 9.00am until 5.30pm. We have a couple of thousand tracts to hand out at the static display in the shopping centre, and during Good Friday in the streets as follows. These locations are at key access points leading the Silent Witness at the junction of Inglis Street and High Street.
Inglis Street Eastgate Centre entrance near M & S In High Street opposite Woolworths
Alasdair would be happy to hear from anyone who would wish to help or answer any questions relating to the outreach.
Contact: Alasdair Moodie Tel. 01463 223385
Alasdair Moodie, 26/03/2008
Jean Lafferty (Ft. William) (Guest) |
07/03/2008 16:15 |
What wonderful news, a street walking.
I would love to be there and will see how it can be fitted in.
It is a joy to be part of a witness and with hearts of love for the people (Luke 19v41) move out again in faith and trust.The Lord has to really shake us up before we will move before He has to do more shaking