Monday, 3 March, 2008
(please note change from usual time)
Culduthel Christian Centre, Culduthel Avenue, Inverness
( finishing around 9.20pm with refreshments to follow )
We are delighted to be screening the 'amazing' story of William Wilberforce's fight to abolish slavery. John Newton, William's confidante, also features...the writer of the hymn from where the film takes it's name.
With an all star's a must see ...a very moving portrayal of a poignant moment in history.
Do invite your family, friends, neighbours & work colleagues to come along... So spread the word!
Suggested donation for this special filming: £2.00
This is a great opportunity to see the film for the first time (if you missed the short viewing period at the cinema) or again on the large screen!
Watch a trailer