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Articles (1 found)

Gordon Macdonald MSPs say keep oral sex unlawful for under-16s
Gordon MacDonald of CARE for Scotland has argued successfully that Government plans to legalise oral sex for children as young as 13 should be scrapped. more ...
Christian Institute

Media (2 found)

Reannon's Journey Pt. 2Reannon plus other women
Health Issues
Length:10 minutes
The second part of Reannon's story about her abortion experience plus short pieces from other women.
Flash Video (FLV)Watch Download 24.6MB
Reannon's Journey Pt. 1Reannon
Health Issues
Length:10 minutes
This is the first part of the story of Reannon's Journey. With frankness she describes the dilemma she faced when she found she was pregnant, and the story from that point on.
Flash Video (FLV)Watch Download 23.8MB