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Christians Together
The Rapture Question - No.2
The second in a series of different speakers giving varying views on end-time events.
A believer's view on the timing and nature of the rapture of the saints at the commencement of the millennial reign of Christ shapes the individual's view of what to expect as we approach the return of Christ.
See here
for two of the most prevalent positions. This matter has been the subject of a recent
'Platypus Challenge'
Whatever one's view this should never be an issue for breaking fellowship.
In a recent survey on the subject, 50% of the responses stated a desire for teaching on the subject.
Accordingly, this the second in a series of mature Christian believers offering their understandings. The first in the series can be
seen here.
New recordings will be posted as these become available.
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: The text of Andrew's talk as a Word file
can be found here
and also from the left-hand margin.
Rev. Andrew Baguley
is former chartered surveyor, and now as a retired Methodist minister he is still in very active Christian work.
He has preached and taught in the USA, Singapore, Slovakie and the Czech Republic. He is also the author of seven books.
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Article printed from at 09:46 on 17 December 2024