The Art of Hearing God
The Kings Fellowship is hosting a course on "The art of hearing God" which is described as being a "biblically based, in-depth course which aims to help people hear from God and to develop greater intimacy with Him."
Dr Mark Stibbe of Father Heart Ministries and author of the book "Prophetic Evangelism" has this to say concerning the course:
"Streams provides the best training available in the ministry of prophecy. They have a very healthy emphasis on both character and charisma, theory and practice, prophecy in the house and prophecy out of the house (i.e. in evangelism). This material has arisen from the work of one of the most authentic and experienced practitioners in the world today. I highly recommend this course."
Mark Hadfield of Inveress Community Church and Street Pastors has written saying:
"I'm familiar with the course content myself. I've spent many years helping people to understand hearing God, something which I believe is the birthright of everyone in Christ. I've found that an appalling lack of solid Biblical teaching on the subject, coupled with, let's be honest here, 'flaky' practice, has quite understandably put many people off or made them wary. So I was delighted when I sampled the course last year, to find one course that lays all the Biblical foundations necessary to have confidence in hearing God clearly, including a strong emphasis on discipleship and character.
The course is not just for those who consider themselves confident or gifted in this area. Neither is the course 'unreal' considering hearing God's voice. It is Biblical. For example, have you ever wanted to understand those times when "heaven seems silent" or to understand what is happening during 'the dark night of the soul'?
I can't recommend this course enough. I thoroughly recommend this foundation course to ANYONE who wants to grow in confidence in hearing God, maybe for the first time, as well as anyone who already considers themselves gifted in this area and has the humility to make sure good foundations are in place (or who wants to progress to courses of a more advanced nature for which this course is a prerequisite)."
The following is copy of the flier which can be downloaded in various formats.
The Art of Hearing God course runs in the Kings Fellowship from Thursday, 10 September - Saturday, 12 September 2009.
Further info: Heather: Tel. 01383 723329 E-mail: