22 February 2025
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Various Items
Esther 4-14
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Christians Together Media
Speaker / Artist:
A financial analyst/adviser
A Scottish Workman
A Trailer
Al Dager
Alex Muir
Alex Muir and Colin Wilson
aLive Ministry Team
Alpha Advert
An American pastor
Andrea Love
Andrea Minichiello Williams
Andrew Bridgen and medical experts
Andrew Bridgen MP
Andrew Harrison
Anna Wood
Annabel Wilkenson
Anne McIntyre
Anne McIntyre -Director of PPS
Arni Klein
Arni Klein plus others
Arthur O'Malley
Black Isle Show
Butch and Sundance
Catriona McPherson
Choirs and various
Chris Hill
Chris Hill and Jean Darnall
Chris Hill of CL Ministries
Christian groups and shoppers
Christians Against Poverty
Christians in Inverness
Chuck Cohen
Cliff and Monica Hall
Clips from Silent Witness
Colin Murray
Colin Wilson
Colm Black
Colonel Richard Kemp
Culbokie Church of Scotland
Dave Kendall and Gordy Mackay
Dave Thompson MSP
David Andrew
David Davis
David Masson
David Noakes
David Oliver
David Robertson
Derek Prince
Derek Prince and David Noakes
Donald Boyd
Donald Buchanan
Donald Trump / Larry Ellison
Dr Daniel Stock
Dr. Aseem Malhotra
Dr. Chris Shoemaker
Dr. Clare Craig
Dr. David Cartland
Dr. David Hughes
Dr. Donald Boyd
Dr. Donald Boyd SCP
Dr. J.B HIxson
Dr. Liz Evans - UK Medical Freedom Alliance
Dr. Mike Evans
Dr. Mike Yeadon
Dr. Naomi Wolf
Dr. Paul Wilkinson
Dr. Peter McCullough
Dr. Richard Booker
Dr. Robert McCullough
Dr. Roger Hodkinson
Dr. Ryan Cole
Dr. Shankara Chetty
Dr. Vladimir 'Zev' Zelenko
Eddie Murison
Elsie Normington
Erik Strong and Brittany Price
Eva Vlaardingerbroek
Film and video producers
Four churches together
Galya Greig
Geoff Barnard
Gordy Mackay
Gordy Mackay and CAP personnel
Graham Bridger
Graham Kendrick
Hanna Ben-Haim
Highand Harmony and Guests
Highland Harmony and Guests
Highland Harmony Singers
Highland International Church
Hugh Kitson
Inon Dan Kehati
Interview with Andrew Palau
Inverness Christian Fellowship
Inverness Christians
Irish doctors
Jason Carter
Jean Darnall
Jean Darnall with Chris Hill
John Denning
John Mason MSP
John Wilson
Jonathan Stephen (mainly)
Jonathan Stephen and others
Katie Hopkins
Keith Malcomson
Kenny MacDonald
Lance Lambert
Leo Rose
Luis Palau
Luis Palau Association
Luis Palua and Andrew Palau
Luis, Andrew and Randy
Male Voice Choir
Mark Byford
Mark Greene
Mark Greene LICC
Mark Hadfield
Martin Knapp - Ellel M'stries
Massed bands in Moscow
Mattias Desmet
Melanie Phillips: on Israel TV
Mike Fryer
Mike Yeadon
Molly and Richard
Moses and Pharoah
Mr. Murdo Murray
Murdo Muray
Murdo Murray
Myriam and others
Narrator unknown
Neil Oliver
Nicholas Corbishley
Nigel Gordon
Nigel Kenny
Nigel Kenny and John Denning
Noel Due
Olive Jones
Pastor Arthur O'Malley
Pastor Bert McKaig
Pastor Owen Morris
Paul Washer
Paul Wilkinson and various
Produced by Hatikvah Trust
Prof. Daniel Broudy
Prof. Gil Troy
Professor Ian Brighthope
Professor William Wagner
Rabbi Gershon
Rabbi Gershon Overlander
Randall Burtis
Randy Burtis
Ray Kurzwell
Reannon plus other women
Rev. Andrew Baguley
Rev. David Andrew
Rev. David Torrance
Rev. Donald N Martin
Rev. Dr. J.B. Hixson
Rev. Dr. Joseph Boot
Rev. Ian Watson
Rev. Jim Ritchie
Rev. Les Isaac
Rev. Paul Dawson
Rev. Roddy Macrael
Rev. Satheesh Balasegaran
Rev. Tommie Macneil
Rev. W. Philip
Richard Jeffs
Richard Morrison/Ruth McBean
Ronnie Sim
Rt. Rev. Dr. Gavin Ashenden
Sandy Finlay
Scotland for Marriage
Scottish Christian Party
Shawn Holes
Simon Barrett
Sound Track
Sound track from web site
Steeling the Mind Conference
Stef Robertson
Stephen Brigss
Stephen Sizer / Porter Speakman
Steve Taylor / Michael W Smith
Susan Boyle
Sylvia Norton
Team from local churches
Three former drug addicts
Tommie Mackay
Tommie Mackay Inverness CYC
Tommy Hunt with Colin Wilson
Tony Pearce
Whitney Webb
Yellow Forum
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With God on our Side
Stephen Sizer / Porter Speakman
Esther 4-14
2 minutes
In 2010 Rev. Stephen Sizer and film producer Porter Speakman Jr. embarked on a tour to promote a film speaks against God's purposes for Israel and the land.
With God on our Side.mp4
MP4 Video 34.7MB (02:51)