led by led by Alistair and Marie Petrie
Blairmore House, Glass, near Huntly 20 - 27 October, 2007

Ever since Ellel Ministries was founded in 1986, prayer and intercession have been right at the heart of the Ministry. It is only through prayer that the work has grown and prospered. When the work began in Scotland God laid it on our hearts to place special emphasis here on teaching about prayer and strategic intercession.
This special course is one of the most important events in the whole Ellel programme. The teaching draws vital lessons from scripture, Christian history and the extensive personal experience we have had in seeing vision being translated into reality and the purposes of God being fulfilled through intercession. More.....
Teachers Alistair and Marie Petrie
Alistair was born in Scotland and raised in Canada. He has ministered extensively around the world and in recent years his main thrust of ministry has been helping the Church to discover the cutting-edge insights of turning an entire community towards Christ. He is the Executive Director of Partnership Ministries and previously spear-headed the making of the Transformations Videos which have had a dramatic impact world-wide. Joining Alistair will be his wife, Marie, who has years of experience in intercession and a deep understanding and belief in the power or persistent prayer.
To book on this course by phone please contact Ellel Scotland Telephone 01466 799102 Email bookings@scotland.ellel.org.uk
See list of courses at Ellel Scotland |
Evnagelist Khuram Shahzad (Guest) |
13/09/2007 14:04 |
it was honestly my profound proviliage to read such inspiring and spiritualy up lifing testimonies and words of God.i am blessed with such nice leadership and the true servent of the lord.i have strong faith and convetion after reading that every word is true and form Heavenly Fsther