A powerful message
(Watch the video and then scroll down to message dated 11/04/08)
The sermon was so shocking (and biblical) to the conference audience of 5000 American young people that he was never asked back.
The young preacher responded to an e-mail about the message he gave:
“I am literally astounded that so many people have written regarding that one sermon. We do live in an age when the Gospel is seldom preached. Church growth strategies and entertainment are the rule of the day. America is not Gospel hardened, but Gospel ignorant, and the ignorance of the masses is the result of the ignorance of preachers. There is a great need to return to Scripture and rediscover the Gospel.”
This message was delivered to young people; but it is also for the most elderly of saints and every age in between. It was delivered to Christians who listened in their seats, but it is as much for those who speak from pulpit(s). It was spoken to Americans, but it is a message for the whole world.
Paul David Washer tells it like it is.
If you only manage to listen to one on-line sermon in the next 12 months; listen to this one.
Christians Together, 14/04/2008