Help within the body of Christ locally
In a distorted and hurting world there are huge needs and issues. Help and advice in the following issues is available locally through a variety of local churches, individuals and Christian agencies on a totally confidential basis.
- Bereavement counselling (including grief and loss due to - relationship breakdown, infertility, infant mortality, etc.)
- Crisis pregnancy; and post-abortion counselling
- Debt management and budgeting
- Divorce - support for adults and children involved
- Family mediation (post-separation advice)
- Freedom from besetting problems and addictions
- Marriage preparation (for engaged couples)
- Marriage enrichment (including re-marriage)
- Personal illness or emotional suffering
- Raising children - support for parents and/or carers of both younger and teenage children; and families where children have special needs
For further information and advice, or to offer a service, please be in touch with - Christians Together
Your privacy and confidentiality will be fully respected.