Various Items 

A NT Bible Quiz for Christmas 2024

A series of questions to test your knowledge of the New Testament.

NT Bible Quiz

WHAT follows is a series of questions covering a number of persons and situations which we find outlined for us in the New Testament.

Have a  go at these ignoring the numbers in parenthesis following each question.

If you would like to either submit, or alternatively received a copy of the answers just be in touch.



Questions below

  1. Who had a taxing experience before climbing a tree? (1)
  2. Who ran away to Rome? (6)
  3. Name one occasion in Scripture (OT) where multilingualism caused confusion and one (NT) where it caused enlightenment (11)
  4. He burned a snake alive (16)
  5. After his crime he gave himself a suspended sentence (21)
  6. He had a natural history lesson on a rooftop (2)
  7. He attended a night class (7)
  8. A Christian whose life was saved by a relative (12)
  9. She was 'well' converted (17)
  10. She got what she asked for - on a plate (22)
  11. The youngest ever person who welcomed the news of Jesus' coming (3)
  12. You would not expect to find 'living water1 here (8)
  13. She touched and was touched (13)
  14. She begged crumbs from the table (18)
  15. He asked for a visitor from Heaven for his relative ( 23)
  16. When a floating platform was used (4)
  17. The information from the angel left him speechless (9)
  18. Name two occasions in the NT when a man was let down by his friends (14)
  19. She had an unexpected day break meeting in a garden (19)
  20. He led a pool-side existence before he met Jesus (24)
  21. He initially failed to make his mark with Paul (5)
  22. This rich man commendably showed 'grave' concern (10)
  23. A fisherman made a valuable catch on his own (15)
  24. When the net result of following Jesus was overwhelming (20)When a piggery project went downhill (25)

Note: You can check your answers here. The number in parenthesis after each question (above) refers to that number in the Answers sheet e.g. the answer to question 5 is given in number 21 on the answer sheet.

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Christians Together in the Highlands and Islands > Various Items > Miscellaneous > A NT Bible Quiz for Christmas 2024