Various Items 

Staying Healthy

A 'Page/Response' facility to gather, input to and gain information from regarding staying healthy.

Staying Healthy

WITH the various medical issues since 2020 and the drastic impact of the 'Pandemic' on primary health care services there is a much-increased incentive to stay healthy. Also to be aware of preventative (prophylactic) measure and, if/when treatment is required where advice and medication can be accessed.
Allied to the above, more and more doctors are recognising that, alongside conventional treatments, there are many efficacious natural remedies available: most of these are obscured or discredited by a profit-driven pharmaceutical industry.


SusannahAccordingly it is hoped in the not-to-distant future to host an online (Zoom) symposium to discuss all aspects of remaining healthy and obtaining help and advice were these are required.

Prior to the online meeting Susannah (Efthimiou) has very kindly agreed to collect and collate information from any and every source. The information can related to a treatment, an information source, a book review etc. etc.


To this end you are invited to either -
(a) place information which you judge to be useful in the 'Response' facility at the foot of the page or
(b) e-mail Susannah using this link.

nformation regarding the above-mentioned symposium will be made available once the details are in place. Meanwhile please do bring to Susannah anything that could be of interest or useful to others. Files (Word/PDF) can be sent in for 'attachment' to this article.
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Any information presented on this article and the Response section should be checked out. The ChristiansTogether website offers neither guarantee nor an endorsement of any information contained herein.


NOTICE: - The 'Response' facility on most articles is restricted to CT site members. Site members should login here. Comments/questions from non-site members should be sent to the Editor by e-mail.

Christians Together in the Highlands and Islands > Various Items > Topical Item > Staying Healthy