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Passion Week/Last Supper/Traditions
Chris Hill speaks to Christians Together on the events of the week leading up to the death and resurrection of Christ. He speaks on the Last Supper and the nature of that meal, the question of which day was Jesus crucified and touches on the extent to which tradition can usurp the Bible's teachings.
This article is a 'lead-in' to an interview with Chris Hill of C L Ministries. Chris is a good friend of Christians Together and gave an interview some time ago in what he felt God is saying to the churches.
However this recording was done in the approach to Easter 2012 and looks at the events of the week prior to Jesus' crucifiction and resurrection. It covers the nature of the Last Supper which Jesus ate with his disciples, the timing of his crucifixion in parallel with the slaughter of the passover lambs.
The discussion also touches on the subject of how much tradition rather than biblical patterns govern some of the things we do in the church even today.
Chris belongs to Somerset and now lives near Ipswich with his wife Lindy who comprises the other half of CL Ministries. Chris teaches and preaches in the UK and internationally. He writes and broadcasts extensively and with Lindy has led eighty tours to Israel. He was serving as a curate in an Anglican church in Poole, Dorset when Jean Darnall was given her vision of what God might do in the land. Chris and Lindy have remained friends with Jean since that time and has recorded an interview with her which is available on DVD.
Listen to the interview which includes some very interesting information and facts which challenge some of what is generally believed which may not match up with the history of Passion Week, the nature of the Last Supper and the actual day on which Jesus was crucified.
During the course of the recording Chris speaks of the nature of the 'Lord's table' as that of a Triclinium rather than the form depicted in Leonardo Da Vinci's famous painting.
Da Vinci's painting |
Actual Triclinium |
Wooden carving depicting the Triclinium scene at the Last Supper

Make yourself a coffee and have a listen, but be ready to hear some common thinking and traditions challenged.
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See also related article: 'Easter: myths and traditions obscure amazing truths'
Click on image below for chart illustrating the events of Passion Week.

Chris Hill / Christians Together, 05/04/2012